Fate Points

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Wangus, Jan 6, 2002.

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  1. Wangus

    Wangus New Member

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    Dec 30, 2001
    Just curious... Dow and where did you all use them. I didn't use them :smile:
  2. Reko Kid

    Reko Kid New Member

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    Dec 31, 2001
    Neither did I, but I´ve seen that people use them to pick pocket people for their keys.
    Which is good since the keys give you access to their chests with loads of useful stuff in, and not to forget, lots of cash.
  3. Lethran

    Lethran New Member

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    Dec 21, 2001
    It's a lot like the sleep function. You click the little button and a menu scrolls down. It offers a variety of choices including the ever popular critical success on lockpicking. They do a variety of neat things, but it's best to save them for emergencies, since you don't get that many.
  4. Wangus

    Wangus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2001
    thank you for that explaining the fate point system to me. However, I was not asking how to use it, but rather how YOU used it.
  5. Ring lord

    Ring lord Member

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    Nov 4, 2001
    i use 'em at tulla to get all the arcane robes!
  6. Cruor

    Cruor New Member

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    Jan 2, 2002
    Well I for one used one of them (critical success pickpocket) to get back the azram's star from clarissa in blackroot after i did the masterthrowing quest... because otherwise it's pretty hard to get items that people are wearing unless you are a master of pickpocket then you usually pull it of without fatepoints... it's those kind of situations that call for fatepoints but there are actually alot of them but some of them are evil... there are somewhat of 23 or more fatepoints to be made throughout the game... if some of you would like to know where to get them go here

    http://www.rpgplanet.com/arcanum/questi ... ints.shtml

    but it's kind of useless I never used more than on or two anyway... but it could be a lifsaver sometime!
  7. Rick

    Rick New Member

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    Jan 3, 2002
    At one point I was playing a female character who needed to get into the Gentlemen's club. She was too good to kill Mr. Wellington for an invitation, had too much self respect to sleep with him, and wasn't a good enough pick pocket to steal it. So a fate point went to pick his pocket.

    In another game, I wanted Gar to join our group. I needed to speak with Mr. Parnell to free him, but I must have insulted Parnell earlier, as he wouldn't speak to me. I didn't want to go back to an earlier saved game and go through the whole Schuyler quest again, so I used a fate point to force a good reaction from Mr. Parnell.

    I like playing characters with a lot of followers. Unfortunately, even with a blessing from the gypsy, the highest charisma my half-orc can get is 19. I've heard there is a ring you can pickpocket increase your charisma by 1, and I've toyed with the idea of using my next fate point to get it. I believe I'll hold off and see if there's another solution, though. Or maybe I'll just live with a party of 5 followers.

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