Heya! Well, as everyone knows (or should know), higher beauty results in better deals when bartering. Probably because of the improved reaction. (I tried this, I actually memory edited my beauty from 0 to 20 when inside the bartering dialog and prices varied surprisingly much.) So I'm wondering, do clothes matter? I know they usually get a bit offended when you stroll around in the nude, but will wearing a Nice Suit result in a better "reaction" and/or better prices as compared to wearing your average armor? Does it matter what you're wearing? (I'm asking because the Nice Suit looks really neat, but the description doesn't mention any benefits from wearing it other than some tiny bonus to AC and DR.) Thanks!
I don't think NPC reactions and by extension store prices are affected by your clothing, apart from smoking jacket/dread armor that obviously confer a reaction bonus/penalty. I have however heard rumours about being able to get away with theft should you wear a smoking jacket, a top hat and a pair of nice shoes, but I've never attempted to confirm that myself.
Ha! I can imagine that, another little bit of 'extra' that adds depth and humor/satire to this excellent game. Thanks, I will try a Smoking Jacket and see if I can "jack up" my sale prices.
You can. Store prices are tied to both your Haggle skill and the merchant's disposition towards you. The more they love you, the cheaper they will shift their inventory. Makes sense really.
Haha, that made me think of the famous scene where the bullet is stopped by a watch... that would hilarious in game :lol: