Diablo II D: Prob.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Kasceis, Aug 6, 2002.

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  1. Kasceis

    Kasceis New Member

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    Jul 30, 2002
    A year ago I was playing Diablo II and my D: went out, after that I went on the DII forums and talked to people. They said that it has happened to people before when they played DII. So i replaced it and played DII for a couple of months. Now, today, I installed DII again cause it started to sound fun and the same thing happenend again. My D: went out! Now I can't play anything and I hope it didn't damage anything else. It was grinding and I smelled a hint of smoke in there. It better not have messed up my computer majorly. I am just mad because this game has a bug on certain computers that make it mess up. Well just wanted to warn anyone playing DII, be carefull, its a dangerous game.
  2. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    :eek: Now I'm certainly glad that I bought Arcanum over Diablo II.

    Geez.....Now they're making games that trash your hardware. What's next? Games that climb outta the drive, molest your cat, use the water closet and don't flush, send herds of wild mustangs in your house to rape you and steal all your beer? *shudder
  3. Windmills

    Windmills New Member

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    Jun 22, 2002
    Problems with Diablo 2

    My husband had a similar problem. We tried patches and other software fixes to no avail, and narrowed it down to a hardware conflict. He was running a Voodoo 5 Video card with GLIDE and every time he tried to play the game the whole thing went bananas and his D: drive failed. We narrowed it down to either his video card, or his ABIT KT7 RAID motherboard. We had read online that there were conflicts between Diablo 2 and BOTH these particular compnents, as well as conflicts between Diablo and the entire SoundBlaster family of sound cards.

    Meanwhile, I was running diablo on MY system just FINE, I had an Nvidia GeForce video card, some generic motherboard (don't remember right now) and a Soundblaster Live Value. His comp. was MUCH more souped up than mine, and his computer was smoking up a storm whenever he even TRIED Diablo. Ran other games Beautifully, however.

    Well, the story was, it took 4-5 months for us to figure it out. We had to take EACH component individually out and replace it with another and see if that worked. Lucky for us we had friends at a small computer shop who loaned us the parts to see if they worked, pay for them if they did, return them at no charge if they didn't.

    We switched out soundcards a few times to no avail, we backed up EVERYTHING and switched out motherboards twice...it seemed to work for about 20 minutes and then WHAMMO missing D: drive again.

    FINALLY we switched out the Voodoo 5 card to a (more inferior, IMHO) Nvidia card - much to my husband's chagrin - he LOVED that Voodoo. That sort of worked for a short amount of time, but we noticed that when my husband tried to play for more than an hour or so, the computer started smoking again. We finally figured out, that in addition to a non-GLIDE based video card Diablo makes your computer VERY HOT.We took off the casing and it seemed to solve everything. So we put in some extra fans and viola - everything now works FINE.

    ALL THIS to play &$#$^% Diablo 2. :x

    Silver lining is, that was nearly a year ago, and since then, he's played it through on his comp. countless times and even a few times on Battlenet. So there IS hope, if you think it's all worth it.

    Moral of the story: try fixing the problem categorically, or try taking the case off when you play... if that works, buy some extra fan units if you have space for them on your case.

    Better Idea, if you're not as stubborn and determined as my husband was: JUST DON'T PLAY DIABLO 2!!! It's fucking RIDICULOUS! :realmad:
  4. rosenshyne

    rosenshyne New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2002
  5. Windmills

    Windmills New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 22, 2002


    Why does everybody around here keep asking me that?
    It's like, the fourth time now.

    Women DO go on the internet too, y'know.

    YOU should know that, Rose, of all people!! :wink:
  6. Kinnicus

    Kinnicus New Member

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    Jul 26, 2002
    I dont see what the big deal is, its all the computer geeks who are still hung on the 80's when ladies such as yourself never ventured to even think of partaking in anyhting remotly technological..grow up boys!

  7. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    I think the internet is more interesting with girls/women surfing it too. Why, it would be totaly boring without you girls and Rose. You help make it fun. Girls think different then boys, so it is interesting.
  8. Dennis Moore

    Dennis Moore New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2002
    Mr Smiley says: " :lol: "

    It’s just that she likes to pose as the only female regular and demand special treatment for it. :p
  9. Kinnicus

    Kinnicus New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 26, 2002
    heh, I remember, back at v13, there were only like 3 women who ever set foot there...at any time...

  10. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    There's only two women who could be classed as active here - Rosie is a regular, but Windmills is kind of on-again off-again. Or semi-regular. Or regular in the small amount of time spent here. Whatever :).

    As for D2, well, I played that for a few months, played the expansion for a week then gave it up (partially because I'd only borrowed the expansion, and couldn't find a *cough*hacked*cough* no-cd patch). But eventually it got really boring. Run around, kill, heal, pick up stuff, rinse and repeat. The expansion added some good features, but it didn't change the game at all. It gave you extra things to do, and that was about it.
  11. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Now there's a funny story. I've had the same problem. There was a game I was playing quite a lot once. Only problem is, after two weeks of straight playing, my CD-ROM burnt out. I got a replacement and I went back playing the game. It burnt out again. Eventually, I gave up on the dodgy CD-ROM drive and bought a nice expensive, good solid CD-ROM drive.

    Wanna know what the game was that kept burning out my CD drive about 3 years ago?

    Fallout. No joke.
  12. Rat Keeng

    Rat Keeng New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2002
    I used to play Diablo 2, but i never could get into the whole leveling/item finding thing. I dueled a bit with some friends. Some months ago i returned to the game to do the same, only to find out nothing changed.

    Try to forget Diablo 2. It's for your own good. If not for yourself, then do it... for the children.
  13. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Diablo 2 has children in it? WHERE!?
  14. Rat Keeng

    Rat Keeng New Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2002
    Why in the secret children level of course.
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