Designing a monk Character

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Nadcaver, Sep 1, 2001.

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  1. Nadcaver

    Nadcaver New Member

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    Aug 31, 2001
    Monk has always been my favorite class to play.
    Was wondering whether Tech or Magic would be better?
    Magic seems to ahve the upper hand with stat bonus and Hardened hands(Morph).
    Tech gets the dwarven gaunt which help HtH - could someone with Magic aptitude use them effectively?
    Also does Magic aptitude make the spells work better? (more bonus to stats, heal more hp, whatever)
    Obviously get Strength to max for the damage bonus.
    Semi-new to the game - having just purchased it and played a dorf Techno to lvl 10.
    Would like to know what others think/recommend.
    Edit -> Thoughts on a background? likely one with bonus to Str/Dex/Con?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Nadcaver on 2001-08-31 22:37 ]</font>
  2. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    I would say mage but a lot of people here like techys best.
  3. Muad'Dib

    Muad'Dib New Member

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    Aug 29, 2001
    I'm a tech-monkey. I've always been a tech-monkey. I believe there is no problem that can't be solved with a big enough gun. But I strongly believe the magic side is stronger...expecially those summoning and resurrecting and teleporting and elemental...yea...I fear magic users deep down inside.
  4. monkeypunch

    monkeypunch New Member

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    Apr 21, 2001
    you can try a neutral character

    some magick, and some tech

    get stat enchanting spells, and stat enchanting tech for example

    might be a great combo
  5. Jo

    Jo New Member

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    Sep 15, 2001
    In answer to the aptitude question. In my experience, it does have an effect. The more magically inclined you are the more effective your magic is and I believe it works the same for tech. Conversely, the more magical you are, the less effective tech is to the point where (I believe it starts at about 50) a lot of tech stops working for mages and vice versa. Neutral is good, but why get half of a bonus from magic and half from tech when you could get the whole whack from one or the other using less resources and less skill points? unless you want to have your cake and eat it too (a mage travelling on trains, or a techie who can teleport, etc)
  6. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    I didn't notice this at first then when I tried being an elf with a bonus of 15 magickal aptitude, my harm spell can instantly kill those ailing wolves back at the Crash Site. :smile:
  7. Karas

    Karas New Member

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    Sep 7, 2001
    monks and damage maximums ...

    Ok, many of you may already know this. But I'm providing details as I've gathered them about unarmed damage and about damage maximums for various weapons.

    ST increases both minimum and maximum damage for all melee attacks. HOWEVER, unless you slap on gloves or gauntlets, max damage is 12, period.

    The reason for that is maximum damage for any attack is triple unadjusted damage. IE a Magic Sword that does HT 1-8(+4) has a maximum of 24 health damage. The +4 just raises the minimum damage.

    Gloves and Gauntlets add to the max damage of hand to hand, but don't raise the minimum damage. Machined Gauntlets as an example do +15 damage. So damage for a character with a 8 ST and machined gauntlets is 1-19.

    I've had a chance to see some good magical gauntlets. They suck, damagewise, when compared to tech gauntlets. So, if you're looking for high damage in unarmed combat, you either have to go neutral or go tech as the better gauntlets as far as damage goes is on the tech side.

    Yes, there are spells to buff you up, but overall neutral or tech is the easiest way to go for damage. Note however that you will ALWAYS spend 5 AP an attack in unarmed combat and can never reduce that. Or if they IS a way, I'm not aware of it.

    So, keeping things simple. The formula for hand to hand damage is this

    Minimum Damage: 1 + ST bonus, never below 1 point however

    Maximum Damage: (4 + Glove or Gauntlet + ST bonus) X 3.

    Note, I may be wrong as some races may do more or less base hand to hand damage. If so, adjust the max damage as appropriate.
  8. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

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    Sep 14, 2001

    higher in the post a techy monkey statedall probs can be solved w/ a big enough gun? thats doesn't work a monk is someone who fights w/ his hands.. not a weapon.

    anyway machined gaunts are probably the best, but magic does have some decent spells (harden hands (lvl 1 earth) or heal... up you to really.

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