Hello everyone, I played Arcanum when it first came out but never had the chance to finish it. I had some unexpected free time and started the game up again, with the unofficial patch, and have been loving it. But I recently have run into an issue that has left me baffled. I am entirely unable to throw anything anymore. I am level 26 right now, and just finished Qintarra. I received the medical arachnid and when I attempted to throw it, my avatar just raises his arm but stays in place. If I move, the item is transferred back to his inventory. Confused, I attempted to throw ANYTHING and the effect is the same. I reloaded old saves (from hours ago, I was level 18 on my most recent save behind this one) and I can throw fine. Is there any explanation for this? Did I do something wrong, or is this a bug? I have unequipped everything to make sure that there is nothing interfering, but since I'm a technologist I suppose I'm not running the risk of cursed items. If ANYone has any knowledge of this and can assist, it would be very helpful. Thank you all!
First you can't be cursed with the result of not being able to throw. Then, I know that, sometimes it's quite hard to throw someting but after tow or three shots, I usually achieve to do it. So, I don't really know about that bug (assuming it is one) but if you have an old save, it's not that bad I guess. I hope you won't have to face it again.
Found this thread upon doing a google search after running into the bug mentioned in the OP. I actually managed to solve the problem on my own so I thought I'd post the solution here for future reference even if krimsonnights might have stopped playing the game. Well, the solution was pretty simple actually. Just get hurt by an enemy. That's it. After getting bashed by a monster in the pass between Stillwater and Quintarra I was once again able to throw stuff like usual.