As a low level techy, spike traps helped me out of a few very tight spots. Bandits on the bridge for example... They failed to be very useful once stronger critters were introduced (seething mass,et all) Are Bear Traps gonna be significantly better?
well as far as a PC goes you have to disarm the darn thing to get out of it. I stepped in one of my own onetime and it took me forever to disarm it. It does imobolize them
Oh aye bear traps are very good. And yes bear traps do immobilize the target for some time. So you can drop one and split and pray like hell that your enemy will get caught
If you can time it right, you can drop one right in front of an attacker, back up and tell all of your followers to back off. Then the monster comes at you and BANG! they are caught. Then you just sit back and turn them into swiss cheese with ranged weapons. Worked good for Ore Golem. No weapon damage.