This is a rough background, taken from some mod, taken from a Stephen King would work better for an Arcanum 3, however, as the time gap is a little too big. Roughly copied from the Mod Review forum... Technology is fading, but old (Arcanum) techs are being found in ruins, etc. Magic is on the rise - it makes for an interesting battle. I know I've said it before, but new techs in Arcanum 2 have to be NEW - new discoveries. Magic has to find the lost spells/college, etc.
Magick and Technology go together, not seperate If you noticed, both magick and technology were very strong in the age of legends. This says to me that when one gets stronger, so does the other. They are two sides of the same coin
Not necessarily. Yes, they were both strong, but they were both very seperate and far apart, not to metion that, after Vendigroth was destroyed, magick got stronger, but they lost what the Elven Council had known, because Arronax destroyed them all, well almost.
Magick weakened after Vendigroth's fall Magick lessened afterwards, magickal colleges were lost, the elven council destroyed, etc Tulla was built right by Vendigroth's ruins why do you think? Tech begets magick, magick begets tech