I really want to make a background that is only good for Female Elves. As with all Elves she is worried that with the technological advances, the Elves and other magical races will be left behind forgotten and perhaps even wiped out unable to exist in this world. But Unlike other elves this character seeks to find a balance, she knows she cant stop technology and is unsure if The Dark Elves are not just deludeing themselves. Whatever the case she has obtainend it. With this background she loses her natural Elven aptitude and the elven tech penalty. However the magick tech bar is set at zero and can never be anything else. Also when dealing with other elves the character gets a - 40 reaction. If there was A way to do it I would also make it more likely that Dark Elves would attack on site. Almost forgot how do I do do this? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Incubuspawn on 2002-03-08 13:11 ]</font>
If you make it, lower the reaction penalty. -40 reaction will probably cause some characters to attack you on sight and limit some aspects of the game.
I just realised that, A -20 would work but it only affects elves. How do you make these though and how do you put it into the game?
Well,if you find out be sure to tell me too. I realy want to know 'cos I have so many backgrounds ideas.
If you make it so that Dark Elves attack you on sight you might make it impossible to finish the game - just like it's with Magick Allergy background.