I am sick and tired of jumping around trying to figure out the dawm armour systom! Help! I have managed to figure out the AC And Dr (i think dr is missile defence or something) but other wise I am clueless.
These are in the manual Acronyms AC - armor class BE - beauty CH - charisma CN – constitution D - damage DR - damage resistance DX – dexterity ED - extra damage ER - electrical resistance FR - fire resistance FT - fatigue HT - health IN - intelligence MSR - minimum strength required PE – perception RNG - range ST - strength WP - willpower XP - experience points NP - noise penalty These I made up, but still are useful ED – could be also electrical damage PD – poison damage PR – poison resistance FD – fire damage TH – to hit (and this relates only to the guns) There could be more I don’t even know about.
And when you are buying armour, you have large, nothing and small. IE Large leather, leather, small leather. What to buy is dependant on your character's size. Other things like helmets, gloves, gauntlets and boots come in a spandex type of material because one size seems to fit everyone.
What about fr? and the manual I downloaded had nothing on it about armour except the large,normal,small bit.(but I downloaded mine separate from the demo so you might have another one)
Amos, don’t make me hit you on the head with this manual. FR? Fire Resistance (and it says, 10 line from the top)
Sorry it's just that when I looked at the cheap robes at the start of the game it says fr-5 and I thought that it meant anti-faitgue because the dawm things are meant to make spell casting easier!(Thats what I read and if not why bother buying them) so I thought it was some stupid faitgue stat! Dawm I should of seen it coming clothes do burn and heavy wool clothes seem to increase fire resistance(I think) <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Amos Trask on 2001-05-31 06:49 ]</font>
I think you mean decrease. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong, but. On the beginning of the game Virgil has some robes which are –5FR that means he actually have fire resistance penalty for wearing flammable materials.
Although it seems to be a contradiction - I do enjoy the 'realism' Troika have brought to this fantasy world of theirs. The armour stats we have seen so far are typical of this. Some types of clothing are more flammable than others, or metal armour DECREASES your resistance to electrical shocks. This is really great stuff. Unlike some systems, there is not a linear progression of dud armour, good armour, great armour, god's underpants. In Arcanum, just about every piece of armou/clothing is useful in some situation or other. The smoking jacket might not offer you much PHYSICAL protection from a fiery demon, but the improved reaction it gives you might let you talk your way past him! Is that cool or what??!! Power-armour for diplomats!! In Arcanum clothing/armour give opportunities to all play styles, from rogue to diplomat to mage to fighter rather than restrict them! (EG no spellcasting in armour, etc) A mage COULD wander about in full armour, but the extreme weight will probably mean he wouldn't be able to carry much else, and he would be SLOW, meaning fewer action points in combat, and probably more fatigue loss when running etc - NOT a good idea for a mage. Still, a husky fighter-mage is not handicapped with any restrictions regarding magick and armour, which is great.
I noticed though that wearing the blackversion of leather armour my guys were... restricted heavily, by it, why is that? I would think that leather armour would not be that restricting
What I meant was the -Fr looked like it reduced the faitgue used to spell cast. But I wanted to ask: Troika said that mages "should" wear robes because it lets people cast spells with less faitgue but I have not seen them do anything to support this claim with any spell casting bonuses or penalties (except that mages probably arn't strong enough to carry full plate)
the point ÃÂs that its wise for a mage to pack light, and not get encumbered. so a very strong mage got probably little problem in wearinga plate mail even, while a week mage will see huge fatigue losses while trying to move in the same armor.
well some armors got other restrictions to my knowlage, like helmets restricting your eyesight. but weight does matter.
You can get two different helmets from the smithy. One with and one without a nose guard. You wouldn't figure the one without would affect your PE because it would just be sitting on top of you noggin, but it does. If you get the right schemie you can make that neat looking helmet (Helmet of vision) and it doesn't lower your perception at all. The smithing process must do something really fancy to the eyesockets on this helmet. _________________ If it's good for you, put it away and try something else instead. <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Blunder on 2001-06-01 15:50 ]</font>
Only those fancy mechanical gogles increase perception and the helm has a funny Key hole visor that prevents you from having your vision blocked just like in "real" life! What I'm saying about robes is why don't you just wear a normal jacket instead of cheap robes because they make your fire resistance go down and a jacket has the SAME defence!