Basically what the topics says. If I steal stuff from people, will I get bad alignment? If so, How bad?
I would have thought stealing would contribute towards bad alignment; however if it does, the results are too slight for me to discern. If I was discovered picking a pocket or a lock I would reload the previous save.
wrong guys! I have Mead and Magnus with me and they get super pissed off every time I pickpocket someone. As a matter of fact, I can't even really do the Kree Clan (barbarians) quest because Magnus will become furious and turn on me. Apparently doing anything for the Thieves' Underground is considered evil.
Only when you fail and get caught... As per the Kree, Magnus will not protest if they draw first blood. Watch Magnus. When he launches into an attack it should be safe enough for you to without him getting upset.
Besides a few points of alignment lost is nothing, and beggers are a foolproof way if you want to get high alignment quick, for each 10 gol you give him you increase your alignment with 1 could get a little costly but neither tech nor mage has any real difficulties finding money... and the reaction from people is changed rather heafty if you are very good!