Hi I started playing a rogue character called Stabby McGee, because I have never done so far. Betraying his name, he picked up the bow. Half-Elf Male, Hyperactive background, first few points invested in Bow, Dexterity, Spike Trap I plan on getting Entangle to shoot enemies while laughing from afar. However shooty enemies could still harm me, so I plan on Disarm to bring back that smile on my face. I plan on maxing Dexterity, getting Bow mastery, perhaps maxing Intelligence for spell slots (not sure yet). What's the most fun way I could progress? Trap laying worked well so far with Bow, but I have no idea if there are any more options other than Spike Trap. Should I actually go for backstab? What works well with high dexterity and archery? Should I go in tech direction rather, for Charged Rings, Throwing and various throwables? I don't want to waste character points this time, if something can be solved in a tricky way, with scrolls etc, I would prefer that. I'm so lost at playing rogue like characters in games :S