Not sure if this is the appropriate section of the forums to post something like this, but I've been wanting to try to create a Arcanum Campaign Setting for the 3.5 D&D rules. I don't want it to be it's own game so much (as with the Star Wars d20 game, etc.) but I would like to implement maybe new classes/prestige classes/spells/items, etc. So i guess I'm just looking for anyone who would be interested in lending a hand in one way or another.
I think there would be trouble converting the tech-magic opposites to D&D, but I've never really played PnP so I wouldn't know. If you start out and post some more ideas, then maybe more people will join in.
I think it belongs here (or perhaps in the DnD area of this site, but that's dead anyway. Since it's about converting Arcanum to DnD.
conversion ideas well i'm not sure how to incorporate the tech-magick dynamic fully, thats why im looking for some help. I was thinking maybe if a character has access to 4th level spells, he can no longer take ranks in any technology crafting skill. And on the same level, a character who has 9 ranks in a tech crafting skill can't take levels as a wizard or sorcerer. a class i'd be interested in making is a technologist, who is capable of crafting +1 guns etc. but instead of giving them their bonus magically, he does so through the wonders of science. i started working on some pdf layouts and stuff, maybe ill post some on here in a few days. i think perhaps a few changes to dwarves and elves stats might be neccessary to reflect their natural inclination towards technology and magick, respectively. also, a half-ogre race would have to be created. Half-Ogre Large-size creature: half-ogres take a -1 to AC and attack rolls due to their size. They also have a -4 penalty on Hide checks. Strength +4, Intelligence -4, Charisma -2 Half-ogres are incredibly strong but lack the wit and charm of their human parents. DR 2/magic: Half-ogres have a tough hide that gives them some resistance against mundane weapons. -2 on move silently checks: Half-ogres are clumsy and have a tendency to make a lot of noise while moving. darkvision 60 ft. favored class: barbarian just an idea.
Thats true, added it above. I was thinking about maybe doing away with favored classes or giving player's a choice of their race's favored class. For example elves could have favored class: wizard or ranger. Wizard reflects the elves' love for magic and ranger mixes their skill with the bow with their innate nature magic. So a player would, at level one, decide which one would apply to his character. I think it would encourage multi-classing more.
any ideas? anyone else here have any ideas? i might just move this topic to the wotc forums but i expect you guys are much more knowledgeable on the world of arcanum.