Arcanum - Evaluation of the technical side.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dragoon, Jul 27, 2001.

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  1. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    First of all Performance. Graphics's good but no one can tell that it's great. With graphics of this quality the game should run smoothly on my computer (Celeron 400MHz; Matrox G400 32MB; 196MB RAM) but it doesn't. When I scroll the town map it jumps bit by bit. There is no problem however when I scroll back the same way (ie. first scroll to the left then back to the right on the same path). No one will convince me that, especially in map mode, there are such astounding graphic effects which would justify such a buggy performance. It's just programmers' laziness who didn't want to optimize the code. It was the same with Fallout 2. Graphics nearly didn't change since the first part and new system requirements were horrendously higher. I also don't like this scroll limit (in the main game window). I mean that yhou can't just scroll to the other end of the site and order your character to go there but you have to scroll bit by bit (if I remeber correctly the same thing was also present if both Fallouts).

    The whole menu system sucks. Why can't you just right/double click on an object to examine/read it but you have to drag it onto the egzamine icon instead?

    NPCs - What's wrong with those guys at Troika Games that they cannot give you full, commonly implemented in RPGs, control over NPCs (some will remember that similiar restrictions were implemented in Fallout 1&2 games). How are you supposed to develop your party members in such a way that they will be able to perform as a certain 'piece' of your team (doctor, thief, fighter). Especially that you are even unable to for example give healing potions to a party memeber witha highest heal skill so that he could use them on you. At least I didn't find a way.

    Again the map - Why aren't there marks on the map describing what is in a certain building (like the map system from Plancescape: Torment and Baldur's Gate II)? Why can't you even put your own marks on it? Even when you click on a shop sign it isn't automatically placed on your map. Or to be precise sometimes it is and most often it is not.

    Journal - I wonder which idiot decided that a green color is well legible (regarding the color in which completed quests are pesented)? Again I found no way to put in my own notes. The blue one isn't the greatest choice either.

    This whole charisma and Max followers issue also sucks. You get ONE mere characteristic point to spend per level and it leads to a situation when you have to spend it on charisma while the are dozens of other characteristics/skills that you want to develop. I found not a single word in the manual which would hint you that you might be getting more points as you advance in levels or have a higher intelligence. And since 50 is the maximum achieveable level it means that you will get no more but only those 50 points throughout the whole game. If you add to it the aforementioned flawed NPC develpment issue you will see how extremely it sucks. although I must admit that it adds some realism but it is simply poorly implemented.

    One of the most important issues. You can die definitely to easily. I approached that stupid fight at the bridge some 20 times before I finally succeeded. They simply didn't balance the game. Furthermore imagine how will it be to fight some 10 enemies in real time. They'll whack you in no time. Turn based mode is somewhat buggy.

    To sum up it seems that the guys at Trika did it again. A game with great story and gameworld but also with a screwed technical side. Unless they change it before the game ships. Not much time left for that however.

    Exscuse me for using the 'sucks' word so often but I wasn't sure whether usage of 'stronger' words, better fitting the matter, is allowed in this forum.

    One more thing. That final fight in the old Elven graveyard, proceded by a plane chase, where Virgil turns out to be the main villain is just awesome:))))))) Note: This is just a JOKE, in case someone overreacted and wrote to the moderator to ban me for placing spoilers. I'm simply checking whether you didn't fall asleep while reading this post.
  2. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

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    May 18, 2001
    Ok, I have to mow the lawn, but when I get back you'll get the assbeating you need as i pick and prod at this.

    On an end note, pirate hav no need to complain, and don't double post plz.

    Brb back in a 1 1/2 hours.
  3. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

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    May 18, 2001
    Heres a bit riped off Siera's page

    System Requirements
    Windows 95/98/2000/ME

    Minimum Single Player System Requirements
    Pentium II 300, 64MB RAM
    1.2 GB Free disk space
    4X CD-ROM
    DirectX compatible 8MB video card
    Windows compatible sound card

    The Key is the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Your Vid card and ur Ram is good but it might be ur shitty pros's mhz thats causeing the choppiness.

    Yes, this is slightly annoying, but who couldn't use the extra hand exercises. Also if they let you scroll anywhere it could alert you to traps/ ambushes/ ect., and that wouldn't be fun now would it.

    God, is it really that hard for you to move?
    You're complaining because you have to move you hand just that much farther to examin items, but i guess that it could get annoying. Are you sure they don't have a hotkey for that?

    There is a way! If you have lockpicks on a theif, they will opt to pick the lock for you when you try to pick a lock, if their lockpicking skills higher then urs. Also the Healing skill only deturmes the skill of healing when using bandages. Potions and healing sauvles(Spelling?) healing ability is deturmined by your tech/magic apt. Yes when givin bandages the npc follower will automaticly heal you or you can ask them to heal you.

    Sadly I must agree.

    Oh boy, the colors on the quest log shows what alignment the quest fall under. Red for evil, i think green is neutral, and blue and is good.

    There was a post about this in the Hints and Tips section. Acually you get 65 character points( 5 at the start, 1 every lvl, and an extra one every 5 lvls up). No a high intelegence doesn't affect the amount of point you get. The limited points means that your character will be limited and not become an uber-char.

    Ya know you don't have to kill them to cross right?

    You can pay them, you can convence them to leave(if your pers is high enough), you can rob the bank without paying off that guy in the bar and doc roberts will take care of them for you(Of course he will try and take care of you too), and you can buff your charcter up. If your character is too weak to beat them, don't try to. Its not as hard as you think to fight 10 enemies in realtime if you know what your doing (in character developoment and playwise).

    Examples plz? You can't just say something without supporting it with something. Also in the pirated version there are some bugs. Unfortunatly they won't crash your computer and/or cause any harm to the user. Also don't expect to get a patch fron Sierra or Troika anytime soon.

    Agian? This is Troikas first game.

    They said they fixed most of the known bugs (I think).

    I guess that if i have to.......You're excused.

    [edit] I Mispelled Troika [/edit]

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Enzo101 on 2001-07-27 13:10 ]</font>
  4. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

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    May 18, 2001
    Anyone? No one wants to make a comment, or did i do a good enough job at hacking at this ( I doubt it)? Right now I just thought of a dozen more things to say, but I won't.
  5. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    There are no ordinary forum quotes as due to slow (this morning) and expensive (always) connection I had to write this offline.

    First of all I can't say I quite got the meaning of your first response. I would think that you consider me to be a pirate. I don't recall presenting myself as such though I read that there is some 'full version' of the game aviable hence everyone posting anything about Arcanum is a suspect. Just don't tell me you believed that end note and didn't notice that JOKE notification in capital letters.

    Your second reply.

    'The Key is the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. Your Vid card and ur Ram is good but it might be ur shitty pros's mhz thats causeing the choppiness.'

    If I recall correctly recommended pocessor speed is 450MHz and higher. Don't tell me that those 50MHz make such a huge difference (especially in the map mode). By the way how long do you have your computer? Those few years back programmers worked harder to get the game running on most machines not just the newest one which recently hit the market. I DO KNOW that the 450 processor was aviable a while back but I don't refer only to Arcanum in htis post.

    'Yes, this is slightly annoying, but who couldn't use the extra hand exercises. Also if they let you scroll anywhere it could alert you to traps/ ambushes/ ect., and that wouldn't be fun now would it.'

    Fog of war would be a good solution, don't you think? And when the whole map is 'cleared' moving around it wouldn't be so annoying.

    God, is it really that hard for you to move?'

    No it is not that hard for me to move I just say that it would be much more convienient.

    'There is a way! If you have lockpicks on a theif, they will opt to pick the lock for you when you try to pick a lock, if their lockpicking skills higher then urs. Also the Healing skill only deturmes the skill of healing when using bandages. Potions and healing sauvles(Spelling?) healing ability is deturmined by your tech/magic apt. Yes when givin bandages the npc follower will automaticly heal you or you can ask them to heal you.'

    Thanks but it was not the main point now was it? Development of a NPC was. Thanks for the hint though. BTW if I'm a technician does it mean that I can forget about healing up to 20 pts. with the heal potion?

    'Oh boy, the colors on the quest log shows what alignment the quest fall under. Red for evil, i think green is neutral, and blue and is good.'

    Quote (Manual Section 3-1: The Main Game InterfaceSub-Window ButtonsLogbooksparagraph 3rd): "...depending on the state of the quest, the color is different. A quest that has been mentioned to the Character, but not accepted, is given in black. Quests that the Character has agreed to undertake are recorded in blue. Quests that have been completed are given in green, and struck out. Quests that cannot be completed, either because they have been botched or because they have been completed by a rival Playing Character (in multiplayer mode) are red, and struck out."
    Not a single word about alignment as you can clearly see.

    'There was a post about this in the Hints and Tips section. Acually you get 65 character points( 5 at the start, 1 every lvl, and an extra one every 5 lvls up). No a high intelegence doesn't affect the amount of point you get. The limited points means that your character will be limited and not become an uber-char.'

    Thanks againg but again it was not the main point now was it? The main thing was charisma/max followers issue. I must admit it does add realism to the game but there are just so many other skills to spend your points on which are so much more appealing than charisma.

    'Ya know you don't have to kill them to cross right?'

    Oh boy, again that's not the point. Do you think you will really be able to talk yourself out of every single fight. What if let's say some zombies or some other simiraly mindless creatures will swarm around you. Try talking yourself out of this one. More on this subject in the next acapit.

    'Examples plz? You can't just say something without supporting it with something.'

    Regarding the bridge fight. When you fight in real time they surround you and whack you. When you play in turn based: turn1, they surround you; turn2,3, they whack you. Perhaps I didn't use the word buggy properly as it is not technically bugged. It's just that in Fallout 1&2, P:T, and BG 1&2 it was much easier to survive the fight even when surrounded by enemies. I realise it is all a matter of reaction modifiers and such but still switching to turn based should give you some more chances for survival. It was done well in Fallout:Tactics where it was the best way to survive in all those 'impossible' fights.

    'Also in the pirated version there are some bugs. Unfortunatly they won't crash your computer and/or cause any harm to the user. Also don't expect to get a patch fron Sierra or Troika anytime soon.'

    Again you consider me a pirate. Basis plz? You can't just say someone is a pirate without supporting it with something. And the only thing I can think of is the fact that I use the word 'game' instead of 'demo' all the time. Game/demo what's the difference anyway? After all this forum is not called Arcanum DEMO forum. There is no rule preventing the use of the 'game' word.

    'Agian? This is Troikas first game.'

    But these guys worked on Fallout 1&2. Why else do you think I would compare Arcanum DEMO (this is especially for you) to Fallout 1&2 so often?

    'They said they fixed most of the known bugs (I think).'

    Most of the known bugs - what does it mean exactly? And what do they need this whole month, before the game is shipped, for especially that its 'full version' is supposed to be out already?

    Two more things that come to mind. Firstly fixed resoluiton together with the fact that all the menus take up 1/3 of the screen just doesn't leave much visible area. Generally there are not too many options to be set.

    Save and load times. Contrary to Fallout 2 these are just wonderfully short:)))

    Your third reply. So what is that dozen more things to say?
  6. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    I guessed you were a pirate mainly due to the fact that no one in their right mind would try and post a review on a game's demo, which even as a great fan I'll admit it has MANY problems, but I am sorry if your not. The fact that every other new person seems to have the ISO version doesn’t really help either.

    THAT WAS A JOKE??? :razz: :lol:

    I've, sadly, had my computer for 2 years. Its a little dated, only a 700mhz p3, but it serves my nicely, and ill probably have a new one this coming November. The demo has issues of choppiness in town, in wildernesses, and even in the crash site. I'm 90% sure there were some posts on this a month or 2 ago. If wish J_Krix was here, he seems to be this forums resident techie, but he’s MIA.

    Grrrr, I actually hate fog of war, in almost every game its been used in, but doesn’t Balders Gate have similar restrictions, never played it. There was an RPG awhile back that I played (About a year or so ago), it had the system that you suggested and it was implemented horribly so I’m on a strict strategy-game-only diet, for fog of war.

    This was a joke, but ok! Sorry, the thought of a +600lb man panting at the movement of his mouse cracks me up, even though I know its mean to think it. :wink:

    Well, maybe you should have made it clearer? Also, I think that the auto-dis can get annoying. I think they were used so you'd have to choose your followers more wisely. Having a Good priest become a thief would be a good example of this. Obviously the character, if it were real, would not approve of this, but I think that it should be possible to ask the character to place points in a skill/stat. Sadly, Troika said that wouldn't be in the game. The NPC has control over it own skill points, unless if you hack their lvl-schemes.

    Also minor healing, after your tech apt passes 25 I think, won’t heal the character. I have a tech character that can’t be healed by Virgil with his spells.

    Well, they had to put some kind of restrictions on the amount of followers you can have. Obviously have a character made for melee attacks walking in to town with 4-5 followers and not a point in charisma would be a tad unbalanced.

    Zombie sanctuary, animals charm beast, and for humans nothing stops a fight better then money. Have you every heard of a pacifist character type? Also I think that a diplomat/pacifist would go around to areas where those creatures exist.

    I’m sorry I really like realtime all the way. So I’m really not the one to be posting about turn based. Playing Tribes 2 has made my reflexes very fast when it comes to mice.

    See my First post, and your probably should have stated that your were basing this one the demo.

    Mostly the level schemes (I knew you’d come at me with that :razz:), I remembered a new way to get by the bridge, a couple of things about pirates (But your not one, so that’s not applicable) , a story about how I ended up fighting 13 enemies at once all alone(and survived), some character tips, also I had a couple questions about the ISO version(Does it support multiplayer, is the editor included, and what version does it say it is? But these aren’t applicable), I was going to recommend some music for forum surfing if your going to stick around, and a little bit below this post there is a “Vote for my new quote� post and no ones voting :cry: .
  7. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001
    Interesting reading.

    I must say that I also thought that you were playing the ISO version. Sorry about that.

    I have been gathering some info about the game, reading everything I could get my hands on.

    As for the scrolling I think it have to do with your perception. The higher the perception, the further away you can scroll and hense see.

    The thing about not being able to control the NPC's I thinnk is a good thing. Most games let you control them, but Arcanum doesn't.

    For me this is a huge step forward and more of a real life experience. You can't control your friends can you? Well maybe you can if you are convinsing enough, but I doupt you can tell a friend to quit his or hers job, becuase it doesn't fit with your schemes in life. Every NPC's in the game are adults and so are you. They have had lives well before you as the player entered the world of Arcanum and as such they have learned things.

    Also the things you wrote about tossing all your exp points at one stat. The game offers a huge replayability. With many sidequests that only exist for certain characters. I am sure that I will make the wrong decision about point allocation many times over, but I will know better the next time I play the game. I doubt that two games will be the same, even if you start out with the same basic character.

    In conclution. I can't wait for the full game to be released and I am sure that it will be a great experience.

    Once again. I am sorry that I thought you were playing the ISO version. I play the Demo until Aug 24th. Or when my local retailer will get it.

  8. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    'no one in their right mind would try and post a review on a game's demo'

    I just thought that I wrote about things which most propably will be left unaltered in the final release.

    'THAT WAS A JOKE???'

    Sure but now that I think of it the final fight could really take place in some Elven graveyard. First Virgil tells you that you're supposed to be some Elven hero/god reincarnation and then there is this 'newspaper' on Sierra's site which mentions descovery of some ancient Elven graveyard. Unless there will be no fight at the end. Now that would be a BIG surprisre.

    'Its a little dated, only a 700mhz p3'

    Wow, what country do you live in man? It's a very good comp even though there are 1,7GHz Pentiums out already. Anyway naowadays performance depends mostly on graphic card. Geforce 2 MX is pretty cool, especially that you have to pay at least 500$ for Geforce 3 and that's if you're lucky, cause lately (2 weeks ago) it's price was set to some 700$ and even though it's unaviable (though looking at the price it's one thing about this card that really doesn't bother me). It costs that much in Poland if you're curious.

    BTW if you like RPGs try playing old Betrayal at Krondor (NOT 'at Antara' though it migh talso be good) from Sierra. It's a great game though as for todays' standards it has terrible graphics/sound and it even runs in DOS mode. Regardless I played it some 5-6 times and enjoyed it very much. It's definitely an RPG classic, a must-play for an RPG fan.

    Now what's that RPG you mention (the one with horribly implemented fog of war)?

    'Zombie sanctuary, animals charm beast, and for humans nothing stops a fight better then money.'

    Now you're good with magic aren't you. But suppose you are a technician and as for NPCs in your team either none knows these spells or they just won't cast them. I don't think you can tell an NPC to cast a particular spell. But then again I'm not much into magic. As for gold unless you found a tree on which it grows you'll soon run out of money. As for me I suffer a constant money deficit (and who says that games don't reflect real life).

    'Have you every heard of a pacifist character type?'

    That's how I always play. But some guys jus tdeserve a beating and sometimes you just can't avoid a fight and finally a pacifist doesn't have to be a weakling.

    'I’m sorry I really like realtime all the way. So I’m really not the one to be posting about turn based. Playing Tribes 2 has made my reflexes very fast when it comes to mice.'

    Perhaps I should gain some reflexes whth the aid of Tribes 2 but I seriously doubt it would run on my comp. Besides it's also the fact that I got pretty used to 'pause' option from BG.

    'Oh god if you want to see load/ save times play Deus Ex. With those load times you can have time to do laundry in between.'

    I played Deus Ex and I don't remember very long load times, perhaps only up to 30 sec. Didn't you play Fallout 2? Without the application of a patch they last at least 2 MINUTES up 5 occasionaly. And I really meant that they are short in Arcanum.

    'the thought of a +600lb man'

    Even though you're kidding an explanation. I wieigh some 72 kilograms (If a got the right pound measure [o,453kg] that would be about 158lb with 1,8meters in height. Gods prostect form the weight you mentioned.

    'a story about how I ended up fighting 13 enemies at once all alone(and survived)'

    Asonishing, really. What were your stats and equipment?

    'also I had a couple questions about the ISO version(Does it support multiplayer, is the editor included, and what version does it say it is? But these aren’t applicable)'

    Perhaps I'll mangage to find a site with answers or maybe some friend of mine will know.

    'I was going to recommend some music for forum surfing if your going to stick around, and a little bit below this post there is a “Vote for my new quote� post and no ones voting.'

    I just don't get the meaning again:(( Maybe that's cause I nearly always connect/check posts/disconnect/write answer/connect/post it/disconnect. That's how you use Internet when your provider has a monopoly. Hence I don't have much time to listen to music while online. What's the thing with voting?

    What's the ISO version? I guess it'sa pirated one but does this shotcut mean something?

    Don't we just write the looongest posts in this forum:)))))
  9. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    Finaly more than just two guys writing bout same issues over&over again. I agree that the fact that you can't control your NPCs adds realism just like charisma/max followers dependance. It's just that I got so used to controlling my NPCs in other games. Guess I'll just have to get used to this system. It would be best if it were optional though. I just hope these games won't get too realistic. I mean a game which could be run only once, no saves and you'd have just one life;) Wonder if anyone would would buy it (though we ARE all 'playing. it).
  10. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001
    I know what you mean. I am also used to control the NPC's. I think that Troika is moving in the right direction by implementing the schemes and stuff.

    I believe that the games will become more "real" in the future. What that means I don't know. For now I can't wait for the release of Arcanum.

    I'm sorry, but I don't know what ISO means. Maybe Enzo knows.

  11. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    Grrrrr, I’m writing this in Microsoft Word so bare with me (It tries to correct everything automatically).

    Ouy, busy day today.

    Ok, also to use the spiffy quotes I’m using type [ quote ] at the beginning and [ /quote ] a the end (Without the spaces between the [ & ]

    I think Virgil knows more then he tells us in the demo, the graveyard could be where the “Great Elven Mage that your suppose to be reincarnated into� is buried.

    I live in the US, and I heard G4 is going to be out sometime this year! When happeneds watch G3 prices fall down and go boom. My computer is very good (Dells seem to last forever), but my dad wants another computer to do his bills and play his strategy games.

    Is that the game that’s free to download off Sierra’s site? Also right now I’m playing Tribes 2. A little bit ago Dynamix made a patch that would cause the game to freeze up, so I got board with it. Now it is fixed so I playing that, and I don’t see any reason to stop till August 24th.

    I don’t know. After I played it I burned my hard drive till it was “clean�, then I hired a priest to further “cleanse� it. Alls I know it was about Greek mythology.

    Yes I like magic a bit better then tech, but I like a neutral character with points in both the best. NPC followers, if they have the spells, will cast them when they ‘think’ its best or they can be told to cast them. Virgil will learn the entire white Necro tree around level 40 or so. Tech has an animal repellant in the tech tree, and there might be a tech equivalent to sanctuary too in a schematic. Maybe some holy water or something? Also you can ask tech followers to build you items.

    Ah! So you’re a person who believes in peaceful, non-violent solutions for everything, but killing bad people makes since? Sounds reasonable. :razz:

    Faster hand reflexes then a 16 year old who spends his time surfing porn sites = me

    On my friends PC, it was very slow. I think he was playing it with minimum requirements so that might explain it.

    Hehe, I weigh 130lbs. About your height, and paler then a Necromancer.

    There are some people that weigh near a ton. God bless daytime talk shows.

    Well, I don’t like to brag, but if you insist. It was with my insane mage (A human mage with the Escaped Lunatic backround). When ventured around to the Glimmering forest area and I was about level 27. We just got attacked by 5 timber wolves, as usual they started off by attacking Virgil. I took out two, but by the time I started on the next wolf Virgil was dead. I wasn’t worried because I had the revive spell. I knew I couldn’t take all of them out alone, and I was low on Fatigue, to make matters worse. I had only one choice. I ran. As soon as I got a little bit of distance I exited combat mode and advanced time one day. When the screen cleared there was the wolves that was there before but there was also ANOTHER group of wolves that magically appeared. I quickly healed myself and casted Shield of Force on me. After defeating 3 wolves I found myself really lacking I the health department. Acting quickly, I ran again. Back to Virgil’s corpse I quickly guzzled a Fatigue potion and revived him. He healed me and we fought. A few minutes later we left victoriously.

    Ok not exactly alone, but I still beat their asses.


    Nah. I find it relaxing to listen to some anime songs while surfing.

    I don’t know what ISO stands for but there are a lot of them. They’re all pirated full versions of Video games costing the Video game market 3 billion dollars just in the US, and the US isn’t even the largest gaming market. Shotcut?


    Yea, I’m not complaining. Constructive arguing can really help you get in the mind phase for school.

    Oh and about that “real� game. I have god mode for it.

    P.S. Nice to see you again PeeCee

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: enzo101 on 2001-07-29 18:30 ]</font>
  12. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001
    Hi Enzo.
    Didn't know I was missed. I must say that I have been here everyday reading and lurking, but it wasn't until I read this post I felt that I had something to contribute. I don't write as long as you do and I do my writing online. (meaning basically that i don't remember the questions and/or comments you write, well not all of them.) As for the ISO word i think it might mean Illigal Software Online or Offer. Don't know and really don't care. All I know is what you said. It cost the computer industry loads, and that is a big shame. I read a post on another board, or it could be this one. Anyway. It was this dude that played the Pirate version adn he could understand why the rest of us waited for the release rather then getting the copy of the net. He continued on by saying that he wouldn't buy the game once it was released because he allready had the game, and then he made some excuses that it cost him to much and he can't afford it. I told him that if everyone acted like him there wouldn't be any computergames or any other software in the future. I wasn't the only one answering him, but I only remember my own posts. Keeps the space up in the old knob free from garbage.

    I remeber one time when I garbelled up all kind of useless information and my head was starting to fill upp with these awful banners and popup windows. It stills sends a shiver down my spine, just thinking of it...or is it the icecube melting? Yep it is. damn, what the...

    Well. I digress. All I wanted to say was...well you read it already.

    Only 25 days to go. Bummer that I will have a party on the 25th. Can't get started on my Mod until sunday.

  13. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    Lol, so you'd rather make a mod then play the game! You are nutz! I'll do my editing after i beat it 4 or 100 times.
  14. Jureel_Krix

    Jureel_Krix New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2001
    AA I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

    And I couldn't quite get the question you were wishing i was here for i'm tired :razz:

    Paintball is grueling and takes up alot of time surprisingly
  15. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 27, 2001
    Man you ruthlessly ruind my real game joke. Curses. BTW I don't want game sto become more real (especially in fighting sphere). Though if dialogs and character interaciton and especially consequences of your actions could be more real that would be good. Like you get caught and arrested and for example banished from the city. Or you're just off with a warning. Or when you kill someone his friend begins an anti-you campaign. For example he slughters some merchants in a forest and leaves traces pointing at you.

    Where do you write those 'quote' things? In Word or just in any editor?

    G4?!?! Maybe I'll hold for some time longer with the purchase of a G2.

    I don't know whether Betrayal in Krondor is downloadable from their site. If not they probably give it away for almost nothing as it was put on quite a few cover Cds. If you want to buy it however look at the screens first. Since you have your computer only for two years graphics will be really nightmarish to you. And ask Sierra whether it will run on your system. Those old DOS games from Sierra required pretty much memory out of those 640KB of the first MB of RAM.

    Paler than Necromancer? When will they finally produce monitors which glow will give you the proper tan?

    I like anime pretty much of course not that Pokemon shit and things similiar to that. I'd like to watch Ghost in the Shell or Sukeban Deka but I just can't get my hands on it.As for musicI usually listen to DRE, DIDO, Metallica or some Polish band.

    Those 1ton people. It's not only about talkshows but also about comfy couch and home delivery.

    How did you get to level 27? And what's that glimmering forest area?

    How do you insert those graphic smileys?

    Lat but not least. Give me the god mode code for the 'real' game. Gimmie,Gimmie,Gimmie!!!
  16. Jureel_Krix

    Jureel_Krix New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2001
    ok then, go read the forum stuff and you'll figure out the smileys
  17. Majromax

    Majromax New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
    An ISO file is a CD-Image. Running around 650MB (and there'd be two of 'em if the pirate ISOs are the complete version).

    ISO files are the standard way of storing CD-Images. They have absolutely nothing to do with piracy aside from pirates making use of the file format.

    I'm also not sure if the .ISO file has any specific abbreviation, but ISO in general stands for the International Organization for Standardization -- they may be the ones that created the file format, but this is speculation.
  18. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    You write them just like i told you to, and when you post it'll show the lines/quote

    You tell them.

    I like Eva, some gundam, a tad bit 'o DBZ, and I watched some lain but it suxed.

    Ahhhh, home delivery.

    By crossing the river

    Go to the faq at the top

    Sorry, Its a secret.
  19. PeeCee

    PeeCee New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2001
    Looks like this topic is picking up. We still have a long way to go to beat the dot thou. Never mind. We write more interesting topics and stuff.

    Sorry about ruining it for you Dragoon. Wish there was a way to make you like me again.

    Archangel :smile: Yeah. I have been working on this fantasy novel for a while now. (I am an aspiring writer you know) and it occured to me when I realized that the game will ship with an editor and the versatility of the formentioned editor, that I could convert the sotry to the game. A few things will be have to be changed, but the main plot will be there and so will the sidequests.

    As it stands now I have 3 solutions for the main plot depending on your alignment. I have about 50 sidequests. wereas you can skip most of them. After reading that the NPC's will check agaisnt a huge list and then come up with the proper phrases I knew I would save a lot of time with dialogue. I know that there will still have to be a lot.

    I have about 100 important people (with matching names (makes it easier to tell them apart)) as well as about 15 cities/locations where the various races lives. There will also be a few caves, ruins, moors and other nasty stuff.

    I will probably play the game a little before I get started on the mod, but I would like to get started asap.

    Ohm and Dragoon. I agree with you about the reality thing. Options in dialogues and also freedom in the game. I know that a few of the latest online games offer that "Anarchy online" comes to mind. I would love to have the character thrown in jail or hauled of to a work camp if s/he did some no-no. Also to have a price on your head if you made a big NO-NO. I have been told that you can put timed events in the mods. Like have quests or something only be available after a certain gametime or after a quest have been solved. This will be a huge breaker in my mod, let me tell you. I don't want to give anything away. But if the editor performs as I have been told, this mod of mine will be one to look out for. Me hopes.

    As for dialogues you can add as many as you like in your own mods, but sometimes the dialogue becomes to big. "Summoner" comes to mind. Having this long explanations about the story of a dude that died centuries ago offers no real gameplay.

    What else... Oh yeah. I'll have a diet coke with that.

  20. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2001
    Good Luck! My 'mods' will just be cities. One will be a city thats 1/2 tech and 1/2 magic so we can get some prejiduce(Sp?) in there.

    The other will be Probaly a multi map mini quest, with babes, elves, magic, and pie.

    Ok, i lied about the pie.
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