anyone else have this?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by llou, Feb 14, 2002.

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  1. llou

    llou New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    I was level 16 with Virgil, Magnus and Soog. (w/15 Charisma)--I ran into Dante and he joined (Decided not to do the tax quest yet because I was afraid he'd leave)--Then, i did the Black Mines quest and got Chukka from Bates...then I got Dog! I now have 6 NPCs with 15 Char and expert persuasion---to test if it's a bug, I got rid of them all and they all joined up with me again---I'm kickin' *ss, but is this normal?? I thought NPCs were CHA/4. I had this happen in a previous game (had 3 when I should have only been able to have 2), but when I booted them out, only 2 would join, telling me it was a I don't know.
  2. Dragoon

    Dragoon New Member

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    Jul 27, 2001
    4CH let's you have one follower (just checked it). so you can have three with your CH15 Moreover Expert Persuasion adds 1 to MaxFollowers limit. Lastly some folloerws don't count as a follower (ie they join regardless of your MaxF limit) and Dog is the case. This leaves no room for Dante but Lost Soul mentioned below that he might not have a CH requierment.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dragoon on 2002-02-14 20:34 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dragoon on 2002-02-15 03:56 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dragoon on 2002-02-15 03:58 ]</font>
  3. LostSoul

    LostSoul New Member

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    Nov 18, 2001
    Dante is such one too I think.

    If he joins you it basically is so he can be vindicated in front of his King - if you don't do this he will be your slave kinda forever :smile:
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