And then he disappeared

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Aura Emenator, Jul 21, 2003.

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  1. Aura Emenator

    Aura Emenator New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 7, 2002
    I played this game for like 500 hours and I never saw that guy. I come here and browse the forum regularly, and have read most of the available faqs. You were either hallucinating, or playing a modded or different game.
  2. Aura Emenator

    Aura Emenator New Member

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    Aug 7, 2002

    What a fucking amateur I am. I meant to post a reply to "has anybody had this happen..." But I accidentaly started a new thread. Well sorry, but I don't really have a topic. Greyhawk looks pretty damn good. I really can't play Arcanum much more than I already have, so I'll have to wait for the next one. And I'm not going to bther posting on the Arcanum 2 suggestion board. It's not like Troika doesn't know what they're doing. Trust in Chris Taylor. If he could get john Carmack and Sid Mier on his team, we'd be set.
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