OK! Been trying to mod a backround after Nightmare from Soul Calibur II but it won't show up in the game. I have everything correct - i'm sure of it - but it won't show up. I got a backrounds packet from a site, downloaded it, and proceeded to edit the files in notepad and create my own. Everything is perfect, all numbers correct etc, but it won't show up. If you can help me or would like a copy of the file to see what i did, email me at alastor40k@hotmail.com - Any help you could would be greatly appreciated!
Wrong forum buddy. I'd move the thread for you with my super moderator powers, but I'm too lazy. Just remember this in the future: Read the name of the forum before you post in it, if it says "Modding And Scripting Forum" then thats where you post questions about modding and scripting.
right, sorry. Been trying this for 3 hours and was too pissed off to see where I was posting - I'll move it
Don't listen to Sleek, he's just being delusional. I'm a moderator around here, and I'll move your thread.
double post? What he bloody hell are you talking about? Yes, I opened an identical topic in this forum cus I was told it wouldn't be moved you ass.
no one "asked" me, persay - just pissing you off for kicks, since that ass tree thing isn't around to flame. I still find it odd that no one, since i posted, has said one helpful thing. Go public schooling...
well, this happens to me a lot, and the only remedy i find for it is to just move the data over to an already used background and just replace one instead of making a completely new one, but i am not sure where the bug lies, so my best advice would be to pick your least favorite background and replace it with your new one, just remember not to pick one of the ones that has stuff programmed into it (ex. dark sight- lighting penalties reversed) unless you want those changes, too i hope that helps, and sorry if it doesn't