Alignment over 95 ?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by T2, Oct 19, 2001.

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  1. T2

    T2 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 3, 2001
    Better ask silly questions to clever people than the opposite...
    So, my alignment is currently 95, and it has been so for a several levels now.
    Does someone knows if/how I can go higher ?
    Did someone go up to 100 ?
    I fear this is totally useless, but, well, it's just for the fun
    Thanks a lot
    A french player...
  2. LPhoenix

    LPhoenix New Member

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    Oct 10, 2001
    100 Alignment

    Yes you can get 100 in it, I've done a couple times, last character that did it kept going back and forth from 98 to 100 while I did my best to keep it steady :smile:

    Has to how... well, you have to play angel good until you're so sick of it you feel like vomiting !

    Most actions affect how other view you, and many of this actions also affect your alignment. So helping everyone and doing so unselfishly (sp?), always being polite to everyone, not stealing, blah, blah... will eventually get you to 100 in alignment.

    Doing it all the other way aroun, allways bitch on everyone, kill them if can't handle it, steal everything regardless if you need it or not will eventually get you to -100. It is however quite easier to get -100 then it is to get 100. If you've still got some game ahead of ya, don't worry to much about it, I found that playing the game just has I wanted to usually ends up geting me to around 60 alignment, sometimes even higher, so I wouldn't be too concerned about it.

    Now the way your followers see you it's another matter :sad: Damn this guys can be hard to please!
  3. Ghost-face

    Ghost-face New Member

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    Sep 22, 2001
    My character is currently 100 alignment. I don't think it means you have to play the absolute saint. I killed a few Panarii guards in the temple and didn't suffer any significant damage to my alignment. Although I must say that Raven wasn't too happy about it. Then again, if you want to do some dastardly deeds and are worried about NPC reaction, it's better to leave them behind, do the deed, and pick them up again afterward.
  4. T2

    T2 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 3, 2001
    Thank you very much guys for your answers.
    As I said, it's more for fun than for reaching a particular objective.
    And, for my first experience with Arcanum, I decided to play the "good guy".
    I also chose to fulfill as many side quests as possible (... which probably explains I'm already level 29 although I'm just back from Despair Island, and why this meant more than 30 hours to do so...).
    I intend to replay the adventure, but I'll probably choose an "evil thief" profile for the second time. And I'll certainly go faster too by skipping some less funny quests....
    In any case, thank you again for your help.
    A French Player
  5. Greebley

    Greebley New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 9, 2001
    I got to 100 on the isle of dispair

    I think it was when i talked to maximillian though it may have been when I rescued the girl stuck on the island.
  6. dougkaye

    dougkaye New Member

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    Oct 23, 2001
    Want a challange?

    Make a character that "Sold thier soul" and play "good." Most people will still hate you and it'll be tough to get and keep followers. The good ones will never join and the bad ones will get tired of your good deeds.
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