I blieve that I may hold the record for the longest time to complete Arcanum. Sept 2001 - present, still haven't got to the Pillar of Turth yet!
Ok lemme see......when compuetr's not broken........when I've got some share time..................... ......not that often!
Seriously, you shouldn't press enter so much, causing a monitor length space in between a small sentance. I really hope that you were not trying to be funny with all those spaces....
I only advocate large spaces in the case of SPOILERS, since if the person doesn't want to know spoilers they won't see them unless they scroll down.
Come on, a longest time contest really just means, how long are you leaving your character save on your computer? I still have a character in Shrouded Hills that I haven't touched for ages. So, what?
I only have one character who at the point where you have to go to the BMC, hes already cleared out the first tunnel expect for that Seething Mass near the stairs. Hes nearly got to the pillar of turth, but has to deal with that Kite 'army'. Anyhows hes gone back to Tarant to get more rags and so therefore stock up on ammo and Molotovs Cocktails. He also has to finsih a few quests.