ok i'm pretty sure this has already been posted but ive just spent the last half hour trying to find the thread to no avail, any ways i'm having problems downloading the character editor off of the main site, is this a new problem or has it been around for a while (just find this site today) also if someone could email me the editor if the link is broke that would be cool or you could all laugh at me and my inability to work a damn website... yes i make mages... thanks ahead of time for any help forth coming... Loftus_robert@hotmail.com
I'm talking to dkoepp as we speak, or as I speak rather, and it's only at terra-arcanum, so if it don't work here, it don't work nowhere. I would email you the editor, but mine is the beta, fucked over to high hell version that I'm testing, or supposed to be testing, with him right now.
i'm blind lol the firts topic on the terra website says most of the arcanum links are broken... i guess i can wait accouple of days thanks though
If you want, I told dkoepp about this post, and he could send you a version of it by email. If you want I'll pm you his email.
I just found a really really good one on the net. You guys probably know about it, but you don't have to play around with all that registry crap like the other one. Best part about it is you can edit practically everything and it works! At least in the unpatched version.
its in my first post, but i will give it again, loftus_robert@hotmail.com but i how big is it? hotmail cant accept very large files...
Sorry I couldn't find the URL again. I do have the email of the guy who made it. It's DKoepp913@aol.com. It was in the readme. Like I said you guys probably know about it, but if you don't I could be inclined to email a copy to whomever.
Quick, somebody tell me what's wrong with just downloading the one here. Besides dealing with FilePlanet of course.