hey, i was working with a mod, and i suddently got on my mind to make an amulet of resverection, wich basicly resverect you when ever you die. now here is my question: How do i script ythat, i've been trying to find the correct script options for an hour now, and im getting sick of it.
If you haven't already, you might try simply tying a script to the 'dying' option of the player's script options. Have the attached script cast resurrect on the player whenever his HP goes below 0. Of course, you'd have to include a global variable that would tell the game whether or not the player or a follower was actually wearing the amulet at any given time. You've probably already tried that, but I thought a little suggestion couldn't hurt.
no, the one i tried was, lines 1 if player is dead, then cast spell: resverct on player, 2 return and run default.. i'll try your suggestion.......
well, that would make it ressurect the player every time he dies regardless of wether he was wearing it or not. I'll take a peek at the scripts next chance I get and if I have an idea I'll post back.
Did you tie it to the equipped slot? If you did the it would ressurect you when equipped by anyone. Change it from ressurect player to ressurect triggerer that way if you give it to someone else, like Virgil or Raven or etc., it will affect them not you.