Hi everyone, Snow checking in. I'm sorry that I haven't been around as of late, but my life has been pretty hectic, and I haven't had much time to be on my computer, let alone here. Things are starting to clear up, so I should be back around more. I just wanted to tell everyone hi and everything, and hope that you all didn't miss me too much or something. :razz: Anyway, I wanted to say Hi to Jinxor, and congrats to DU and Jar, and that I'll be back on IRC as much as possible.
Thank you for thinking of us Snow, speaking only for myself.... i have missed you............. but then my aim's terrible....... on a completly unrelated topic, i'm not wearing any underwear.
I'm not wearing any underwear either. I'm pretty sure I could get rid of you though. There's an option for that around here somewhere....
Hello Snowie good to see you back since you're the only one here who represents the forces of good and prettyness.
Well, seeing as I've been on Prozac ever since your life got to hectic to be here, I'm afraid your hopes were all in vain Anyway, it's grand to have you aboard again Snow! May your almighty locking power once again smite anyone foolish enough to begin a spammy thread in the HoL! :lol:
HI SNOWY! Hey snowy I found a cool game online, it's called spank the monkey! http://www.addictinggames.com/monkey.html I was playing it all the while you were gone! EDIT: hehe, my friend just got 939 mph on it. :lol: That must have hurt!
god dammit, whose site is that? i'm going to send them a nasty email about something called the dictionary... i hate hearing people say "nuke-u-lar reactor" or "its so addicting." the word is ADDICTIVE GOD DAMMIT! either way its a pretty cool site, if you can bear to overlook the glaring abuse of the english language present in its title... oh and welcome back snowmane!
Yeah, it's pretty funny to see Sleek arguing over abuse of the english language and it's grammar. :lol: Sleek, when shall you learn how to insert capital letters in your texts? Heck, even I can do that at the proper places and I don't have english as my first language, which you have! It's "I" not "i" dammit! And if you didn't know that already, all new sentences, as well as all names, should begin with a capital letter. And you better look up the correct spelling of dictionary in the dictionary
Hey, Elf, a rule about spelling that you might not know is that countries, their inhabitants, and their inhabitants' tongues are all capitalized. English should begin with a capital "E", even when it occurs later in a sentence, like this: English. If it was funny that Sleek was incorrect in correcting someone else's spelling, it must be more so that you were incorrect in correcting someone who was incorrect for correcting someone else's spelling, don't you think??
Chulupa, your going to tie my mind in knots with that last post... Welcome back Snow! Good to know a moderator with some nice-ness is around (unlike Jar. :lol: ). I would just like to make a note to all of you: Sleek and I are in no way related, working together, or comrades in spam. He stated that to me, so I am passing it on to you, I put it on here so that I wouldn't have to create a new string to do it.
:lol: Ouch! That hurts! Ok, I guess I'm no better than Sleek_Jeek then. How shall I live with the shame? The agony? Oh, and Chalupa, just for your interest: Aha! You made double question marks! Do you even have the slightest idea of how funny this is? That means that if it was funny that I was incorrect in correcting someone who was incorrect in correcting someone else's spelling, it's even funnier when you're incorrect in correcting someone who incorrectly corrects someone who incorrectly corrects someone else's spelling!
The double question mark is one of my Internet characteristic traits, so there. Go ahead, look up all my posts and find one where I DIDN'T double the question mark unless it was followed by an exclamation point. At least it's not as annoying as an almost complete lack of knowledge concerning the conventions of spelling and grammar, unlike SOME members of this forum (although I don't consider you, Dark Elf, to fall under this classification).