Silly character concept = need for silly clothes...

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Vyktr, Sep 16, 2001.

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  1. Vyktr

    Vyktr New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2001
    I've got this half-ogre w/ trained in the pits background, and I've worked him up to 14th lvl, expert melee, dodge, and persuasion (yes, persuasion). He's got a 1 intelligence (and I saved points to add, and dropped three in with no gain!?)...OK, I'm off subject here...

    In short--where do I get a large smoking jacket? I've been camping at the tailor in Tarant, but I haven't seen one there such a thing? The big fella could really use the +20 bonus to reaction, since ppl are really being jerks to him.
  2. Arcane

    Arcane New Member

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    Sep 15, 2001
    I'm not sure if this helps but after looking in the "Descri~1.mes" there is a large smoking jacket, so I could only assume that there is one in game.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arcane on 2001-09-16 06:39 ]</font>
  3. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

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    Sep 14, 2001
    one size fits all?

    i think one size fits all, on that item... if it doesn't... then it doesn't exist... chukka, bates bodygaurd is wearing one (or a large tux.. not sure which) im thinking that if he is wearing a tux.. then their is no large smoking jacket and your going to have to deal with the tux.

    on the int thing... with the pits background, you lose points from your arleady low orge int. Lets see, you start with 8 basic, you lose for for being an orge. so your at 4int, you lost 6 more for being raised in the pits, so your at neg 2 int (represented at 1, but in theory your at neg 2) (look at it as, 1 int , with 3 more to lose) so, you pump 3 into it.. from neg 2 your still at 1.

    Or you can look at it as, 8-4 = 4
    4+ 3 you put into = 7int
    minus 6 from the pits puts you at 1 int
    any more int you put into it will show up ill bet :smile:

    interesting class combo :smile:
    thats what i do thou... roleplay and make the game fun for yourself.

    Have fun

  4. Vyktr

    Vyktr New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2001
    Excellent news!

    Thanks for the reply--I guess I just have to keep on camping the tailor shop.

    Is there a magic time period that I have to wait before a restock, or do I have to go away and come back, etc?
  5. Vyktr

    Vyktr New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2001
    Tuxedo--does it give positive reaction bonus, too?

    I have seen people mention that, but I didn't see any bonus on the item description?
  6. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2001

    well, deal with the shopkeepers is... walk far enough away that they no longer know your their... i do a couple screen lengths just to be sure and advance 1 day will cover it although, the more you advance, the more gold they will have in their inventory (it increases on a per day basis) but the items will keep changing... so it doesn't really matter if its items your into.

    try the chukka thing, critical a pickpocket if he's not in your party... just save and reload if my idea didn't work heheeh

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