Some parts (Tarant and some random places) of the game have been lagging so much for me its barely playable (and only 'cause I'm perseverant...) When I go to the Vendrigoth ruins it gets unbearable...where is the actual entrance to the ruins? I don't want to search the area, I'll go crazy :-(
LOL. yupp that IS the laggies part of the game, because *SPOILER* there are so many spiders buried beneath the earth.. all waiting to come out. /SPOILER I think its up right from the start point.... rather right. and, well, I pased this with a 300mhz processor, while arcanum officialy reqquires 350, so, it cant be that bad
Thanks! It took me about an 45 minutes in an area that should only take a couple minutes but I made it...whew... I'm playing on my old 533, 350 must've been hell. :???:
Laging is a viedo card memory problem, not a CPU speed problem. Things such as the spider generators burn CPU cycles, but with a 64 meg video card, almost all your problems disapear. Things thet slow down a video card; big parties, lots of baddies on screen, lots of NPCs in the area, even if you cannot see them (those streets in Trant that are slow down points), BRIGHT backgrounds such as are found on the Isle of Dispair & Vendigroth, explosions, & lots of dead bodies laying around. For you who have older machines & a limited budget, 64 meg MX 440 cards in both AGP & PCI bus are offered regulary for under $50 US & sometimes under $30 after rebate.
yea... I've got a 64, and I'm having no problems at all, Video cards are only $40 bucks or so (American guess), and it's well worth the cash... it makes Arcanum run smoother, and it keeps things looking pretty... or if you've got the cash you may wanna just upgrade your Cpu as well, which is more expensive, but sooner or later your gonna have to do it... sorry, ramblin... :roll: