i was curious if any of you knew what race vendigrothians were. if not what race do you think they? are they another race altogether? or human? or another one of the arcanum races? some of the optins are practically impossible. ie half-ogre if you choose a second option please post the race that you think.
It is my impression trhat they are human, although I haven't got any real proof as it is. It has been a long time since any of my characters were in Vendigroth. However I always thought that there was something very human about the attitude displayed in the newspaper articles found in Vendigroth. -Stuart
The ending that tells about Arronax raising Vendigroth single handedly shows a picture of someone driving a car. They appear to be of average build. As half elves are slightly magically alligned and half orcs aren't extremely common, I would say that this figure is a human.
Besides, it's a rather rare occurence that a whole city-state would be composed by half-breeds. And if the Vendigrothians were a race of their own, that should had been mentioned somewere. Human, definately. I second that. In fact, most anything in Vendigroth screams human (the fast technological development, as per the Arcanum definition of our pretty race),
Human, yes, but it is somewhat odd that this development didnt spread to the other human kingdoms and principalities, sucessor of "nowadays" arcanum states, thats urely most have existed to this time already...normally technology and higher culture tend to spread.
Normally yes, but remember that all of this took place in a world were powerful mage-lords were the ruling hierarchy. Seeing as those guys more likely than anything felt threatened by technology and were mighty influential on their people, technology was likely to be off-limits everywere but in Vendigroth. I mean, it's not that you could imagine the elven council approving to place technology in the hands of their subjects, right?
I dont think the council ruled all of arcanum, but thats another topic... hm. tarant adapted very quickly to steam tech. And I guess any human state that is not as good in magic as it neighbours will look for alternatives... but then, making thoughts about those things is not very... useful, lol.
I think that the Venidgrothians were a little bit of everything... I think that the city had Dwarves, Elves, Half-Elves, Humans, Orcs, Orges, and everything... because I would think that the city would be comprised of outcasts, outlaws, and rebels who had formed a society agianst the mages who had once ruled over them...
I think they were primarily human. Its possible there were other races in Vendigroth however I think they were probably a minority. In the instruction manuel it talks about the aparent mystery surrounding human culture in Arcanum and how despite being the oldest race, have the youngest civilization.
thats not a very substantial argument, considering our entire economy is just a ig friendly race to see who can fuck everyone else out of the most money first before you starve to death. :-( :thumbdown: personally i think they vendigrothians were mostly human, considering that the people of vendigroth are the most technologically advanced and by all dwarven accounts i've witnessed so far in the game, humans have become the most technically advanced species in arcanum since the introduction of the steam engine because they are so irresponsible and inconsiderate of the consequences of its use. so if the vendigrothians technological kung fu is that much stronger than everyone elses (THE strongest) then they must be human.
I agree with you Sleek, but I personally believe it was founded by outcast of all societies (ie:the humans learned tech from Dwarves) and they founded a city based on technology, and hid there....
It seemed obvious to me that the Vendigrothians were humans. That might also explain what might otherwise seem like a bit of an over-reaction to human technological development in Arcanum during the game by the Dark Elves if the humans had a history of abusing technology or taking it to extremes, at least by "Elven" standards.
Well, we certainly consider the egyptians an dromans and greeks as civilised, and compared to us they were outrightbarbaric.... civilised is defined as being a "high culture" instead of a tribal culture, which means advanced organised religion, an organised state and scripture. So at least the "Westerners" are all civilised.
Susano, if you sit down and OBJECTIVLY come up with a list of things that a truly civilizied society should have or do, you will soon come to the conclusion that we, the Human race, ain't there & never have been. I will settle for mostly Human on the Vendigroth question. I would like to think that they were civilized enough for inclusiveness.