) thank you for answer, but can you tell me where please ? (I already finished Arcanum, but I hadn´t found him ( )
to meet joachim, you have to have had virgil in your party for ages- then he runs off to caladon to sort out all that stuff in his past he's always wittering on about (he does this sometime around when you are leaving quinterra)- you can find him back in caladon, joachim pops up and has a wee chat with you.
Actually, he leaves after you go to the City of the Dark Elves. He'll go away, and you can find him again in the basement of a tavern in Caladon, under a room with the guy who made Preston Radcliffe's passport in it. THen, after killing the guys in the basement, use the scroll of Ressurection on Virgil and *then* Joachim shows up.
Well this is a bit spoily. As soo as you resurrect Virgil he will tell you the stories about himself and hsi brother then Joachim will pop-up.
Hey, I completed the game, and Virgil never left me except to visit the grave of his mate. What's this about leaving to go to Caladon and what not? What do you have to do to make this happen? I've tried killing and speaking to Virgil's corpse (Conjure Spirit blows in my opinion), but nothing happens. Technology rocks.