help can't open wheel clan stone door.

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by daleca, Sep 15, 2001.

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  1. daleca

    daleca New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2001
    I spoke with the dwarf on despair island and he sent me to wheel clan. unforunatly i cant open the door. I used a pair of glasses I had made from a certain crystal but it still won't open. I've stood in the square, stood in front of the door,Heck I even managed to get a little behind the stone but no doorway appears. How can I fix this? The messed up part is i can highlight the door even without the glasses so what am i doing wrong. Oh, one more thing Myrth in Stillwater is gone. I cant get the location to quinarre with out him/her. Can anyone help?
  2. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
    If you have the N'Tala Amulet, give it to Gaylin at Shrouded HIlls and then she will tell you the location of Qintarra.
  3. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

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    Sep 14, 2001
    both questions

    okay, you have to equip the wheel clan goggles and then walk into the square if this doesn't work.. we'll your screwed heh, it will. Quintara... well myrth doesn't show up at his house until after you do the wheel clan part of the main quest. The alternative to having myrth tell you how to get their (stealing the fake stillwater gaint pelt from tarant's parnels freakhouse heh, and giving it to myrth in return for the location) the alternative is to pickpocket or kill myrth for his amulet .. and give it to the herbalist in shrouded hills, either way thou, you need myrth, so you have to do the wheel clan part first.

    good luck
  4. daleca

    daleca New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2001
    Thanx I finally have the right pair of shades.

    I used a fate point to open a chest at BMC mountain and pulled out 2 Kathorn crystals. Needless to say I can now see the entrance. It'll be tough in the Dredge to get the king but at least i'm finally at the wheel clan.
  5. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
    I just found out that you will not see myrth until you get the quest of going to Qintarra. I started out the game (again) but I did the Gaylin's quest first. I walk to Stillwater via coordinates but Myrth wasn't there. He is concealed.
  6. Dakun

    Dakun New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 14, 2001

    i just said that earlier in the post bro :smile:. anyway, you should never spend a fate point to open a chest? hehe just give your followers katanas or even rusty axes and just break the thing? heh fates are for like pickpocket or even picklocks on a quest chest in a busy location or like a forced good reaction heh. anyway, grats on getting in, for a secret (*spoiler*), if you have really high cha/persuation, you can get to the king without fighting in the dredge at all (force the king in waiting to tell you.. and hes like.. okay i see him every day, your cause it good, have fun, and moves his thrown and you can walk down a ladder right to the king.

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