Some one was wrong.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CharlesBHoff, Jul 20, 2003.

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  1. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    Before the Iraq war I Private Mail someone telling that North Korea has more than 45 nuclear weapon already. It seem like the Intelligence agency are now finding out North Korea has one or more hidden underground fuel reproccessing center. The SECOND DEPARTMENT told him this year ago.

    North Korea has underground Uranium mines , uranium enrichment centers,
    nuclear powerplantss and breeder reacters to make Plutionium. They just donot give me evidion just give me than short report.

    They told me before the Iraq war there was no WMD'S inside of Iraq or any active Intelligence and none exist after the first Iraq war ended.

    Remind me or than DA looking for than murder weapon that never exist dug
    than hole with than steam shovel 200 feet into the ground before the court stop him saying there was murder weapon to be found than order the person
    release. The person have only than hand shovel.
  2. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 28, 2001
    What was the point of that might I ask?

    Firstly, there seems to be no idication of who was wrong about what, as said in the title. Secondly, what has north Korea got to do with Iraq at all? Thirdly, what the hell was all that about the steam shovel. It seemed conpletely irrellevant to everything and didn't make sense to boot. Who was released? Why were they released? And for what reason? Last time I checked, digging a hole was not illegal. :-?
  3. Resident Master Vampire

    Resident Master Vampire New Member

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    Jun 6, 2003
    What? Politics is interesting when comprehensive. But I don't know what you're saying. What does "Remind me or than DA looking for than murder weapon that never exist dug" mean. Ferret, the walking dictionary, what does the sentence mean? The two of you seem to understand each other but I don't. Please help.

    PS What's WMD?
  4. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    Woo! Charles-Huff-And-Puff has returned, take cover everyone! In case you aren't familiar with him, I must warn you now: do not, under any circumstances, take him seriously. If you follow that one simple guideline, his posts are rather amusing.
  5. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

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    Feb 22, 2002
    For some reason i think charles has been fucking with us. I think that somewhere out there, sits a person with a very sick humor, great patience, and great imganiation.

    I have as long as charles has ever been here suspected something like this.

    This person who speaks all this crap is also a person that knows allot about sport and war history since charles BB hoff was a norewgian athlete that could have gone far had he not joined the nazis during World War 2. After the war charles BB hoff was frosen out of the sport and forgotten.

    So, you running nazi, am i right or wrong?
  6. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    First English and America Intelligence screw up really bad about Iraq. The paper that said Iraq was buying uranium from Niger turn out to be than forgery which took the UN to make that detmaining.. It turn out that America
    and English have no new hard evidence of Iraq working on WMD and alot of these reports where sex up. They didnot find any evidence of any WMD in Iraq yet and they willnot find any as there where none to be found as simple as that. The thing about that DA he was than driven person who want to get that person on than murber charge. The police gave up looking for the murber weapon when the dig reach 10 feet into the ground. Any reasonly DA would done the same , but not him he want to find that murder weapon that was not there so badly. Court never have to order than DA to stop before as
    they exise good judment but not this one so the judge who athurithy the search warrent was force to stop this. The DA was lost the next election.

    I said before North Korea is the biggest threat with WMD's. They never stop working on then since they sign that agreement in 1994. The International Atomic Commis. is more worry now as it appear that North Korea is now than Nuclear Power and there is no way to talk then into disarming now. These nuclear site in North Korea are 1 to 2 miles underground. The SECOND DEPARTMENT is now change their estimate of Noth Korea nuclear warhead upward possible into the hundreds range.

    I was reading in the New York Time that Bush will have to go back to the UN hat in hand as than begger to get UN approval to have other nations like India, Turkey and Pakistian sent troop to help us in peace keeping in Iraq. Even with UN approval it is still no change that these nation will sent
    troop to help us or we will want than UN approval as the UN will add thing which Bush and his right winger willnot like.
  7. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 5, 2001
    Ah, Charles, the mere memory of your crazy conspiracy theories will make me laugh until the day I die...
  8. AngrySyrian

    AngrySyrian New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2003
    WMD = Weapon(s) of Mass Destruction
  9. Red Gaki

    Red Gaki New Member

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    Jun 23, 2003
    I'm not to worried about north korea , they have 50% of their population in uniform and they can barely feed themselves they'll go the way of the soviet union soon.

    I'm not saying communism is a bad system In PRINCIPLE it's been poorly implemented most of the time, for instance China truly fucked itself when it was forming it's current government, but are doing very well now due to attempts to slowly modernise itself.
  10. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    If anyone is looking for some psychotic, but strangely believable conspiracy theories go watch "BOB ROBERTS" the greatest political campaign movie of all time... written and directed by Tim Robbins
  11. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    Tee hee...uh? Sex...up? Clarify, Charles. (Fuck up, perhaps? :) )
    Sadly, that aint gonna happen, Charles. Bush [/|33+]o\/\/nz u|\|z mama w00+[/|33t].
  12. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    Hey charles you nazi, have you spoken with god recently?
  13. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    what the hell? why are you calling him a nazi? because his name is charles bhoff? charles bb was the other guys name right? that doesnt necessarily have anything to do with this nazi character you brought up, my name is charles whos to say what bhoff means? so what the fuck was this mr. bb's last name anyway?

    did he invent the bb gun? ;)

    why are you callng him a nazi??? because you disagree with his views? thats more fascist than anything hes talked about so far...
  14. Aura Emenator

    Aura Emenator New Member

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    Aug 7, 2002
    American Intelligence is blatant lies, and consists mainly of ponderous self rehtoric from the dubya and active disinformation from the media. North Korea probably has nuclear weapons, but they have nothing to do with Iraq. Even then, whatever nukes they have are probably poorly made, few in number, and mostly not capable of reaching mainland America.

    Somebody assasinate our president please.
  15. Settler

    Settler Member

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    Jul 6, 2002
    Mmmm...I say we take out yours (Bush), ours (Howard*), and declare Blair King of the World :) ...

    *He's doing quite well, but you can't share world domination...
  16. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 2, 2003
    fuck that, if we had a global currency, (and no otehr currency) that would help ballance power, or at least improve the quality of life in many of impoverished nations.
  17. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    A history lesson, if you will.

    ... and Settler, Blair's doing well!??

    As a side note: Fuck I hate the pop-ups here.

    They only screwed up if you believe they were out to stop chemical weapons. If you believe they were out to over-throw Saddam and take control of the oil, then they did quite well, actually.

    North Korea still needs enough warheads to nuke every country in the world to bits if they wanted to use them though. It's the one reason America and Russia don't nuke each other. It'd start this whole world-wide nuclear thing going, and no-one really sees any benefit in that. Except maybe some crazy North Koreans.

    But they're CRAAAZY! ]size=9]And half price for a limited time only.[/size]
  18. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 2, 2003
    today's nuclear weapons are powerful to a degree that just the radioactive particles released into the atmosphere alone would kill thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, if not millions

    and would also cripple the planet's ecology
  19. Cicatrix

    Cicatrix New Member

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    Jul 22, 2003

    Learn yourself some nuclear physics. Even if every nuclear weapon currently on the planet was detonated, the radiation increase would not be to a level which would seriously damage human life, or the planetary ecology. Contrary to popular belief, radiation is not that harmful in limited doses, and experiments have shown that you could as much as quadruple the amount of radiation exposed to living tissue without any serious adverse effects.
  20. Langolier

    Langolier Member

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    Mar 9, 2003
    Well one nuke isnt going to end the world. However in a nuclear war where possibly thousands were launched theres the possibility that it might cause a nuclear winter. Not to mention all the acres of burnt scortched land.
    As for Iraq, NorthKorea, dah dah dah...... There was plenty of evidence for WMD's or other such banned weapons in 1998. I dont see why Saddam would destroy these after inspectors were forced out and not tell anyone. The weapons were VERY well hidden after the first Gulf War. We only found them because people admitted where they were. Granted we have some top ranking scientists........ but who knows. For the sake of my country and president not being imbarressed in front of the world, I hope we find them an justify the war......
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