Alignment Problem

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Nikbis, Jul 20, 2003.

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  1. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    Okay, I didn't know where else to post this. I started a Gnome that I'm working as a rogue named Nikbis. He's currently like level 34. I was happily running around one day leveling with my party (Virgil, Gar, Dog) and I just killed some Were Rats. Suddenly, Gar says 'I find your decline in morals disturbing'. I check my alignment, -24. I go around and kill some Molokian Hand dudes, Gar says it again, I check, -27. I killed 3 Molokian Hands. This keeps going and happening....even if I kill little Kite pos things I lose alignment. I am currently -51 aligment, 20 Charisma (so Gar can't leave with all his nice lewt) and still bitching about my aligment. Any advice you all can give would be loved....I'm so close to deleting him and restarting....being a little Gnome Rogue who's a damn good pick lock/pocket'er isn't that hard to level up....but still *sigh*
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you using The Bangellian Scourge? You lose alignment every time you kill something until it hits -100.
  3. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 20, 2003
    my weapon is a Sword of Air or a Dagger of Speed or an Arcane Dagger and a Shield of Force. Wear Small Oiled Thieves Leather, Enchanted War Boots, War Gauntlets, Arcane Helm, Jewel of Hebe, Ring of Virility, Fated Ring
  4. gargob

    gargob New Member

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    Jun 21, 2003
    I don't think killing brings your alingment up just donate money to beggars or do good-aligned quests.
  5. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    Been giving money to beggers every chance I get. Raises it 1. The highest alignment I've had that I can think of is -18. I'm up to the Black Clan Mountian Mines, just went to the Isle of Despair. Working my ass off to get good alignment. It's like I'm naturally evil. Someone's walking past and I just lop their leg off. I'm all like 'I'm sorry! I can't help it! My hands just do stuff without my knowing!' *stab gaurd* 'I'm sorry!'

    heh...well, guess I'm just an evil little seems that whenever I pickpocket someone my alignment goes down also...
  6. Sleek_Jeek

    Sleek_Jeek New Member

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    Jul 2, 2003
    so if you do that sort of stuff why was it ever a question as to why you had such a bad alignment? also if you know someone in a bar is going to turn out to be an agent of the molochean hand, dont reload and pre-emptively attack them, have you ever done that? as in i went to black root and talked to a half orc in the bar, and he wound up starting a fight with me, and even though he initiated all the guards still tried to kill me.

    this might have nothing to do with your problem but yeah, fighting in the middle of towns isnt good for you unless its a good aligned quest...
  7. masterofthelostcollege

    masterofthelostcollege New Member

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    Jun 15, 2003
    It seems to me like you've killed more than enough to begin with. Remember that negative alignments tend to drop perpetually, since killing anyone is considered evil, except if you have good alignment. This is especially the case if you are VERY EVIL (50+ Evil Alignment) because you WILL lose alignment with each kill - even a Molochean Hand (evil) - because killing evil characters ONLY COUNT AS GOOD IF THE NPC IS MORE EVIL THAN YOU ARE. So if you are at 100% Evil, which you seem to be nearing, what do you do? There are only two solutions I know of:

    I. Give them beggars some money, there is no point in being evil in Arcanum without killing people and taking their monies. This is especially the case because it helps you should you seek 'redemption' later by RETURNING the money - sort of anyway - to the more 'deserving'.

    II. Go and explore some ancient ruins, like K'na T'ha and the Ruins of Tzabo, and hope to find some SERIOUSLY EVIL LICHES/DEMONS/LORDS OF THE DAMNED! Because, OMG, their evil alignment averages at -700, and the Lords of the Damned are -1000! Can you get more evil? These guys are possibly even more evil than 'The Evil One' himself! But seriously, killing any of these evil doers should net you a positive alignment, unless you happen to be a Lord of the Damned. which I doubt.
  8. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    Just one question, what is your background? Some backgrounds force evil alignment. Others, like the 'child of a hero' background increase the alignment modifier, thus making you more evil if you do even the tinest little bit of evil doings.
  9. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    I havn't gone around and killed anyone at random. I've just killed people who attack me. Even killing a Kite drops my alignment. I just kill what attacks me, don't try to start fights, and steal a lot of stuff (hey, I'm a thief, sue me). Doing all that drops my alignment and I have no idea why

    Edit: I have no background, just stuck with my base stats
  10. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    If you're already evil, even the smallest things will lower your alignment. If you're good you can get away with things like shooting first, and even picking pockets won't have as much impact on your alignment. If you're evil though, you really have to wait until the hostile critter smacks you around before retaliating, otherwise your alignment will drop.

    Other thoughts: Have you used (or abused) the Dark Helm? Are you patched? (You might have mentioned this already but I can't remember.) Try doing some Big Payoff Quests to raise your alignment, like giving Sarah the deed to the mine.
  11. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    Still need to get Sarah the deed. *makes a note* I have no idea how I became evil thou. I always wait till stuff attacks me (except Kites, just run up and kill em fast) Gar is wearing a Dark Helm, and to my knowledge, I've never put one on.
  12. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    Once you are at - 10 or so, even killing undead will lower your alignment. One big evil quest, the hedge wizzard's statue for example, will get you there. As well as giving the deed to Sarah, there is Liam's Portal, around + 35 alingnment, & the Wheel clan mines & returning the king, over 10 each.

    There are so many 1 - 3 point good quests that I have a hard time playing evil without resorting to sensless homicide.

    Picking pockets will also lower alignment.
  13. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    Pickpocket ALWAYS lowers alignment? all that time I spent getting 60k from the Wise Woman in Tarant musta done it in for me :p

    ...what can I say? I had a lotta free time on my hands
  14. Canis

    Canis New Member

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    Nov 17, 2002
    Not always. There's a whole spectrum of relative morality at work here. If you're really good, it takes a whole lotta pickpocketing to lower your alignment even by one point, but the more evil you are the more evil acts count against you.
  15. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    K, thanks a ton everyone, guess I just start over :lol:
  16. Shadygrove

    Shadygrove New Member

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    Aug 29, 2002
    For a long time, I didn't think pickpocketing lowered alignment. Then I built a PD that would walk a fine line between good & evil. When you are less than 5 % good, & have Magnus in your party, you will know every time you do something that lowers your alignment, even if it is too little to show up on the Evil - O - Meeter.

    600 sucessful pickpocketings. Well, that would do it I suppose. Nikbis, you do have too much time on your hands for sure. I don't know if every pickpocketinf lowers your alignment. I think Magnus & I will have to find an evil NPC & try a little thievery.
  17. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    Actually, as far as I know, pickpocketing money will not change your alignment, but taking objects will. Therefore, you can take as much money as you want without it affecting you.

    However, this was done with a neutrl character and I don't know what the alignment of all the other people who reported it was. Therefore, if you were a little evil then it could still have an effect...
  18. Luvian

    Luvian New Member

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    Jul 3, 2003
    Actually, my neutral techno char was pickpocketing one of those shopkeeper in Tarant, and ine of my npc kept complaining every time. But only after I had stolen about 2k from that npc. Before that no one was complaining.
  19. Nikbis

    Nikbis New Member

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    Jul 20, 2003
    Actually, it was more along the lines of 5 or 6, sometimes up to 20, succeses, fail, save, success, success, crit fail, load, succ, succ, succ, succ, succ, fail, fail, save, succ, succ, crit fail, kill, load, etc etc.

    I'll just start over and work out this little problem. Try loading an earlier game when I *WASN'T* evil I guess and check it out....strange thing was, when I was gettin 60k from her, Gar never said a thing. Then I go and kill a few Were Rats and Gar bitches at me.
  20. Luvian

    Luvian New Member

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    Jul 3, 2003
    You know... you could just the savegame editor to change your aligment, if it's such a big problem.

    That would save you the trouble of restarting.
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