Thrown objects. shooting arrows constantly is boring in comparison to all the manner of deleightful things that can be tossed in the game. Things that go BOOM are especially handy especially in helping u live through the beggining of the game.
Thorwn objects Well the other day I went to Tarnt and bought a manual, and I tried to use it, when I tried to drop it, some how I messed up and some how threw the book at the little guy that sold the manuals. needless to say he died, and the other man in the room just said...... Oh no.... I still haven't figured out the proper use for the manuals. When I tried to use it, it was red and didn't seem to do anything Anyway they sure make good weapons........
All you ever wanted to know about tech manuals, except for throwing instructions, can be found here: ... 6@.ef4dfd0
good info shady but I really liked the guy dying part from a thrown book! and now you can't buy any more manuals. Sounds to me like a reload or restart! Parmanian
A friend once killed Torian Kel by throwing the Dragon's Blood at him. Not as heavy as one of those books, but I think he only has one hit point. Throwing the book.... :lol: :lol: Try deploying the Medical Arachnid when you have a large party. Magnus is a hoot when you bean him.