I think there should be more than just automations and arachnids. Maybe giant robots you can build and level cities. Or maybe you can build cars and do drivebys.
cars? yes. build them? not unless you want to. it would be cool if the built some roads between cities so you didnt have to walk everywhere that didnt have a train station, and buying generic cars would be cool, but not having to level up just to build them, also, how would drive bys help? its not Grand Theft Auto. if they put schematics for custom built parts you could add to a generic car that would be really awesome. but i still cant see vehicular combat as useful giant robots? are you nuts? go watch some anime. they need to put tanks in!
Cars you build them for faster travel and you can run over enemies. Better you can build laser guns and do drivebys.
you know if they let you build a warp time sub-type thing you know the one on the shades beach that would be cool
You nuts are being totally irrational!!! Arcanum is based around fictional truth, i mean in 1895 did they have anything like laser guns you fool? NO. Sorry but i had to be blunt. Oh and cars back then went at like 2kmph seriously they had a person in front of it with a flag. Rather you could get a Vendigrothian car that you see when you let arronax return and rebuild it. You could get one of these for working for the Vendigrothian government for hunting giant spiders and gorillas Well thats my rave