Yea, most general stores have it handy.. I've found that keeping 2 or 3 on me isnt a bad idea.. THough I'm tempted to just waste the little rotter, as no matter WHAT I do, he complains. I'm 87 good, mage. Could it be cause I use harm? Virgil doesnt seem to mind that.. I'm beggining to think that I should skip the npcs for now.. I'm lv 37 or so, trying to speak to the wheel clan, but I need those flaming kathorn crystals!
Magnus... If you are an Elven character, even a Half Elf, or a highly magical character, he will naturally distrust you. He's a Dwarf, and highly technological in nature, so magic users and magically inclined races will effect him in a negative manner. Being opposite ends of the spectrum from eachother is not an easy thing to deal with.