It was posted once ages ago, but this is the original place, I believe. It has a few diaries not mentioned in the old link. Plus, they are starting on the Two Towers diaries.
Lol, yeah I saw that. Gross, but funny. I'm never gonna think of The Lord of the Rings the same way again.
I still like it just as much as ever, although I am getting attached to those 'fecking' diaries (see signature for proof).
I take it I'm the only person in the forum who can't get into LotR? I just don't see what's the big stink.
I really like LotR, but I can understand why someone wouldn't get into them. They are a very difficult read, and the movies are hard to get if you haven't read the books. Tolkien didn't just create a story, he created a world and that is what makes it difficult to get into I think. There is more to this world than the story the books are following.
Agreed. I have read all of the books, except the Simirillion (sp?). I didn't read it far, but it was a little confusing at the begining; probably just because it doesn't sound LotR as it is normally. Also, it is just compiled notes, so I didn't consider it too important at the time, but I wish to go back and read it sometime. It details what happened in the first/second age, I believe, before the LotR series, or The Hobbit. If you REALLY want to be baffled, read the Appendix' in the back of the RotK. I would swear he found some first-hand account of a lost world, if I didn't know better!
it was compiled by tolkien's son after he died from notes tolkien had lying around his house. i've read all the books including the simarillion.