Lord of the Damned-WTF? (Possible Spoiler)

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Acacia22, Sep 10, 2001.

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  1. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Made my way through the abandoned castle in Ashbury. To my surprise the journey was easy untill I reached the basement and ran into a Servant, from this point I realized there was something bad wrong. Made it to the room where the Lord of the Damned resides and low and behold there's five Servants surrounding him, just one of these was difficult enough to take out without losing a character. I reloaded the game and lured the Servants out of the room one by one by running in and out. After a long while I managed to destroy all the Servants and entered the room again to take out LOD, only for him to conjure up five more Servants.
    I'm around level 16 right now but can't see getting by this even at level 30. Is there something that I need to quickly take out LOD? Has anyone here beaten him, if so what level were you at?
  2. PiccoloSMU

    PiccoloSMU New Member

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    Aug 12, 2001
    well if u are wizard then just cast desintegrate on him i am SURE hell die
  3. MasterMonk

    MasterMonk New Member

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    Aug 31, 2001
    I was level 20 i used a potion of haste on my Worthless Mutt and him and Sogg Head Mead made quick work of the LOD. I am gunslinger and i ran around in circles while the servants chased me and the 2 hacked until they all died
  4. Saint_Proverbius

    Saint_Proverbius New Member

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    May 5, 2001
    I was a level 22nd heavy melee char with a minor in magic. I tore through that room with just Virgil and my trusty Sword of Air.
  5. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
  6. darkbaz

    darkbaz New Member

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    Sep 7, 2001
    My 25th level throwing master ripped through here easily enough using Azram's Star. My two mages also just waltzed through using harm or stone missile respectively... My archer however got schooled. Time will tell how my half-orc barbarian and my dwarven firearms master will fair...
  7. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    The spells I know are from the school of Nature, so I don't have any offensive one's, I have been making good use of Entangle however. My prob is, the one slave can take me out in one round. Running around the room in circles is probably my best bet, but it looks like I'm gonna leave the castle and not bother with it again untill I'm further up in levels.
  8. Vassago

    Vassago New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    I encountered the same problem the first time through the basement of the haunted house. So I took my Female Half-Elf "gunslinger" through a few more levels until she hit about 25 and built a "repeater rifle". With Worthless Mutt, Chukka, Virgil, and Magnus, I merely stormed the room and the ensuing combat was quick and painless.
  9. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    I think I broadened my horizons too much while building my character. I shoulda stuck with and mastered only one or two professions. As it is right now, I'm a meager apprentice in alot of things.
    Level 25? Then I'll definitely leave the castle for much later. =)
  10. Vassago

    Vassago New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    What I have found with these "Single Player Character" RPGs is that you are forced into a leadership position, so you have to be able to walk a fine line between neck-stomper and smooth talker. It's really hard to concentrate on specifics when you have to be ready for anything. The best way around this is to slowly max your charisma out...allowing you to control as many followers as the game allows. As for the Lord of the Damned quest, just wait until you are a little higher in level and take him on...the whole "lure the slaves out one by one" tactic is pretty difficult because he continuously spawns slaves -- you have to be near-suicidal when taking him out. :smile:
  11. Aldarad

    Aldarad New Member

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    Sep 1, 2001

    Acacia22, are you going solo? Get some good (or really bad) allies.
  12. Vassago

    Vassago New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Hey, Acacia22, what's up with your handle? Are you a Maiden fan? Just remember, 15 quid is all she asks for...UP THE IRONS!
  13. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Naw, not going solo, I have Virgil, Mutt, Magnus, and Sogg, but at this time they don't stand a chance against more than two Slaves.

    Lol! Yeah, the nick is indeed a reference to 22 Acacia Avenue, I'm a fan of 80's heavy metal, Iron Maiden and Alice Cooper all the way!!
    BTW-I was very happy that the entire band got back together for the last album-it came out alot better than the previous few without Bruce (which I didn't buy), also once again they made reference to another great, not well known, flick 'The Wicker Man'.
    Hopefully the band will stay together this time, it just isn't the same when one of them leaves.
  14. Vassago

    Vassago New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    I did not try the room with Sogg Mead Mug...he didn't like me enough to join me. Mutt makes quick work of those Lord Slaves, as long as they don't get too many hits on him. He is the best follower in the game, IMO.

    Off topic, I have been listening to Maiden since I was 10. I have all of their albums, all reissues, all vids, etc. I met Bruce when he was touring "Accident of Birth"...he's a great guy, very smart! If you like Maiden, you should check out In Flames, Naglfar, Bewitched, and Absu...all Maiden-worshipping black/death metal bands w/plenty of twin-guitar leads...Naglfar covered "The Evil that Men Do" for a comp CD. i tend toward the demonic side of '80s metal...hail Venom, Celtic Frost, Manowar, Possessed, Slayer, Mercyful Fate, etc. I will have to pull myself away from Arcanum tonight at 12 to pick up the new Slayer CD...LOL!

    Speaking back on topic, don't the Muck Walkers in Arcanum remind you of Eddie? UP THE IRONS!
  15. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Sorry, I know this slipping away from Arcanum, but WHOA! Slayer??!!! They're still producing albums?! That's a trip! I was a fan of shock rock, comedy/horror/fantasy/theatrical bands like Twisted Sister and Dio. Dio and Maiden had a way of sounding dramatic, epic and arcane, and the guitar work was excellent. The only thing I found a little bit embarrasing about some of these bands was the whole 'cash in on Satan' thing, I'm not religious, so I wasn't offended, but found it to be a little cheesey at times. Maiden did it (and still does it, guess they had to live up to the reputation they were given =) ), Slayer did it and Dio overdid it with his album covers, but I wouldn't let go of my album collection for anything. Like the song says "Todays music ain't got the same soul...".

    Back to Arcanum, Mutt has realy helped out alot, he seems to make quick work of everything, but he's not tough enough yet to face LOD, which is a shame cause I like cleaning up one area before moving on. If there's an expansion, I'm hoping there's to be more offensive spells for the game. I think what I could use at this point is a realy powerful fire spell that would affect all creatures in that room, or as silly as it sounds, yet may be possible in the game,- a machine gun!
  16. Vassago

    Vassago New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    I wouldn't let go of my album collection for anything. Like the song says "Todays music ain't got the same soul...".


    For the most part, I agree...but there are too many good European black and death metal bands that are underground to REALLY say that. Bands like In Flames are keeping NWOBHM alive. What has really killed metal is all of the "mallcore" poser stuff...I'm probably stepping on alot of feet here but the true headbangers know what I mean.

    Let me know how your Lord of the Damned quest goes...in reality, once you disable all of his slaves (aka the CHILDREN of the damned!), he isn't much of a combat machine. Check your journal when you get done..."Most Evil Creature Killed" will now read "Lord of the Damned". Good luck, and you'll know for the first time, if your evil or divine...(we're)the last in line.
  17. skuldnoshinpu

    skuldnoshinpu New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    I was able to kill the LotD and all his servants with the snipe- er, looking-glass rifle, without ever even initiating real combat mode.
  18. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Most evil creature killed? Cool! I'm hoping slaying it gives me a posittive reputation of sorts in Ashbury, as since I've been there I had to slaughter a couple of gaurds that attacked me when I broke into the inventor's house and aggravated the mayor with my poor speech at city hall.

    Yeah, it seems folks who chose to go through the game with a gun are having a better time of it. I'm going to try a mage next to see if I can just breeze through the game with magic.
  19. gothmog61

    gothmog61 New Member

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    Sep 8, 2001
    Magic seems to be tougher in some respects... I started with a tech-heavy gunslinger/melee guy--the only problem was that Virgil couldn't heal me. The guy ended up being too multi-talented to make it through the later quests, so I started over with a melle with a few spells. The gunslinger killed those ore golems in Black Mountain deader than dead, with just a good revolver, without damaging the crap out of my or my followers weapons. Ran through the ammo awful fast tho. My melee/mage guy had a hard time living through that quest.... but now (lvl 46) he pretty much kicks butt.
  20. Saint_Proverbius

    Saint_Proverbius New Member

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    May 5, 2001

    Wasn't that the name of the demon that inhabitted the kid who killed his mother and sister in Dean Koontz's "Hideaway"?

    That's a good book.
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