have been searching for this for a while. have found 29 LWD but that seems to be the last building on the street. can anyone give me a clue
Is that the one with P. Schulyer and Sons? If it is so, it is secluded near the Inn. The Inn is the one near the train station. Find the Inn then go east and find a round shape in the walls. Enter the area.
I just assume. The first time I went to Tarant, I can't seem to find the place so I guess this is the one donsaun is asking.
thanks , still cant find it its the street with poon's flophouse in it, further north is the appleby residence , think thats 29 low dervish row
nope it doesnt , am looking for 36 low dervish row, have found 29 low dervish row but cannot find number 36 in the same street!!!!!
What's supposed to be on number 36 again? If you tell us that, we'll probably be able to tell you where it is.
If the Ring Shop is what you're looking for, you want to take the first or second street east upon entering Tarant. On the west side of the street you will find and alley, duck down the alley and you'll come to building with a Dwarf standing out in front. As one of the guards in Tarant says when you enquire about the ring shop, it's a bit tricky to find as it's not exactly on the street.
Are you still having trouble with this one? If yes, then take a look at this page: http://arcanum.netfirms.com/temp/index.shtml I took a screenshot of the place where you shouldbe going. Tell me if you got it already so I can delete it.