Buffy's End (Spoilers)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Snowmane, May 21, 2003.

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  1. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    Well folks, I just watched the last Buffy episode ever- WOW. I'm not the hugest fan, I watched it for awhile, decided that I didn't like it, then stopped watching it. Then, I started back up again. But, I wasn't particularly obsessive, and didn't care much about missing episodes. I just finished watching the last episode, and it was really cool. I'm about to post some major spoilers, so if you don't want to know, then don't read.


    Anya dying?! She was only the coolest character. So tactless, and extremely funny. And she died to save stinky Andrew? BLAR! It was so sad to see her little blank eyes and Xander looking for her. -sobs-

    I also didn't see Spike dying. I thought that he was going to appear on Angel or something, so I guess that we'll see what happens...

    Buffy not dying? First off, I thought that gut wounds usual are mortal, and second off, shouldn't she have died? Wasn't she 25 or so?

    All in all, there were some interesting curves. Don't scream at me about how stupid Buffy is. I'm easily amused, and it's not half as dumb as some other crap on TV.
  2. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Heh. We're still a few episodes away from the end of Buffy here in Australia. The episode on last night was Buffy going out with the Principal and Xander getting stabbed in the gut so he bleed open the seal.

    I thought they would've killed Buffy off. Last I heard this was the last season, there will be no more. There's always the spin-off Angel though. Which has finally started to get better after a lack-lustre start.
  3. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    I enjoyed it. I wasn't a big fan until I started catching an episode here and there. Then the storyline kinda sucked me in..I started caring about the characters..It was..bizarre..Next thing I knew, I was hooked and getting upset when I missed episodes. I think it might've been Farscape withdrawal and displacement syndrome.

    I thought Buffy was a goner too. But I think they wanted to leave it open for cameos on Angel, which I've yet to see. Also, don't Slayers have somewhat accelerated healing?

    I think Enya was probably the most disposable character..you know, one that they could kill, and have people feel for but not wipe out any of the truly beloved characters. Personally would've liked to see Faith get a steel enema, but that's just me. I also think Willow's hair should've stayed white after that..those were some pretty potent magicks that rushed through her; I'd have thought they'd leave some lasting marks of some kind.

    While I was a bit surprized to see Spike go, I was more surprized to see Enya go. Spike was a cool character..loved his sarcasm and witty comments. Especially when he started verbal sparring with Giles. And he fought so darn hard to win Buffy's affections..

    Eep..I'm out of the closet.. I'm one of them..a Buffy fan..
  4. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    See, I thought that Andrew would have gotten killed, you know, sort of as repentance. After all, he did kill Johnathon. (Who was really funny, in my opinion, and the best of the 'evil' trio.) I really didn't see Anya or Spike dying. I thought that they'd kill Buffy off, so Spike really surprised me. Plus, I thought that they were doing a spin off on him.

    Faith getting killed? What? Faith's cool. She's very kickass, although they aren't doing a spin off on her, cause she's already busy. Plus I think that she's prettier than Sarah Michelle Geller. I liked how her character came around; turning herself in to the police and all.

    You know who I wanted to die? Kennedy. God, she was a pill. She always inserted herself, acting like she'd been with Willow and Buffy and Xander since day 1. Sheesh.

    That was pretty cool when Willow went all good magic-y. Very "I am your mother, mother earth." Maybe that was just me though. I totally didn't see the spell she did coming either. That was very creative, I think.

    Dawn so should have been kiled. She did nothing. Blar.
  5. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

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    Sep 2, 2001
    I'll admit it, I'm a Buffy fan, and proud of it. I started watching the series just because I thought Buffy was hot, then I actually got into the storyline. I hate that Buffy is over. I enjoyed the last episode but I wish it had been longer. My reception was kinda messed up when I was watching, did they say Willow was a goddess? I am glad they didn't kill off the original four. That would have really sucked if they did that. Really wish they had a special episode just showin what happens afterwards, but I guess that would ruin the point of a series finale. Yeah, that head potential chick was a pain in the butt. Goin all high and mighty all the time. Well, guess I'll just have to settle for reruns on FX. A bunch of them are new to me cause I didn't start watchin till last year.
  6. TairNean

    TairNean New Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    Buffyholics Anonymous

    I always found Dawn annoying..I missed the episode where she was introduced, so was a bit thrown when she showed up...sister? what sister? But I wouldn't have missed her if she'd happened to get killed.

    Well, Faith. I gotta admit she did kick ass. Of course FX just ran her season, so her betrayal was still fresh...I also missed her return episode, so I missed the kiss an make up bit.

    I dunno if she's prettier than Buffy, prolly is...I don't usually go for blondes, but Buffy's character-persona-thinggee so reminds me of my girlfriend it's not even funny..She's got Buffy's personality with Willow's intellect. Both characters remind me of her. So I guess what I'm saying is that I'm a little biased.

    But ya gotta admit...Buffy's got the CUTEST pouty-face..And a far superior body to Faith's, to judge soley on physical. I think the prettiest cast members were either Cordelia(pesonality or lack thereof aside) and/or Miss Callender.

    Maybe they figured one vampire spin-off show was enough, and decided to write Spike off. Or maybe the irony of the one immortal in the bunch not surviving was too much to resist. I put nothing past Joss Whedon and company

    See I missed a lot of the latest season. Kennedy is whom? Willow's newest girlfriend?

    I got hooked when I saw the "Buffy: The Musical" episode. That was the funniest episode IMHO...Well maybe it's tied with the forgetting spell one...cuz that was damn funny too...

    I wish I had some money for the Buffy Auction...I'd love to get ahold of some of those weapons...That Scythe absolutely *ROCKED* and some of the axes and swords were nifty too..

    Egads! I"m a raving Buffian..or is that buffoon. Perhaps both.
  7. Xan Emrys

    Xan Emrys New Member

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    May 24, 2003
    I switched to Angel

    I switched to Angel because Buffy got too hokey. It was what happens when you've killed vampires, demons, gods, so on, so forth. The same thing happened to Hercules, if you recall. They kept trying to outdo themselves for ratings and doomed themselves to an early grave when they ran out of lines to cross. It's like when Fonzie jumped the shark.
    The only characters I liked from Buffy were Willow and... well... Willow.
  8. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

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    Sep 2, 2001
    My favorite characters have always been the original 4. Recently Buffy has been somethin of a cry baby and Giles wasn't on as much but Buffy, Xander, Willow, and Giles are still my favorite characters. I missed the musical episode :cry:
  9. DarkUnderlord

    DarkUnderlord Administrator Staff Member

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    Nov 10, 2001
    Re: I switched to Angel

    Yes, a lot of shows "jump the shark" in the end (I gather you know that's a widely used term for when shows go too far :) ).
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