"No more beneath the oppressive hand Of tyranny we groan, Behold the smiling, happy land That freedom calls her own." Happy Independence Day, Qilikital, and anybody else from Norway, celebrating your independence from Sweden. A lady at a social function I attended tonight mentioned that she was part Norweigener(Norwegeiner? Norweiganer?) and that her husband was Swedish. She of course used it for a good laugh.
It's actually "Norwese". It used to be "Norwedish", but like you said, they got their independence and all.
Thank you very much retard. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Actually i have been drinking, wich is the reason that i havce not answered sooner. Yes we have celebratetd our day of liberty or whatever, and we have been drinking for some time. Actually it is really special this year since i was a russ this year. A russ is like an graduate for high school. We celebrate this by starting to use russe uniforms and partying allot. We also drive the newbies away from school and do knots. The we go around the parade make huge amounts of noise and have a lot of fun. If you see pictures you will see young people wearing red or blue uniforms, that is the russ. At my small town we started drinking at may 16 and partied all night until the parade started, then we ran along the parade making noise and so on until we qiuted somewhere around 1600 at 17 may. Some of the more harcore russ continued partying thorugh the next night also but i had to have some sleep. Great fun!!
toblix, man, where have ya been? You're welcome, by the way. Man, you used to be around when Wojit was here, didn't you? People, say howdy to an olllllllld member.
Shouldn't the emphasis be on the o, and not the l? As in ooooooooooooold, not ollllllllllld? Anyway, Sethmage and Toblix have both made a recent comeback. So hello to them, but to the rest of you, Oh My God, It's A Conspiracy!