OK, for the first time ever I haven't killed the nice girl who turns into a werewolf and eats the happy little bunny rabbits. So her dad asks me to go to maybe Tulla and get some sort of antidote. Anyone heard of this quest, and if so, where the heck do I get it?
Tulla lies in the Vendigrothian wastes as i recall, but are a mage only city, so i think you'll have a hard time getting in... unless you are a 476-something level mage with a good alignment... I think you can get a cure in the town where the murder is on the loose... (can't remember name sorry), from a herbalist shop... Make a save and try a reanimator on her perhaps ? Write back if it helps... or if it dosen't... :lol:
You'll get to Tulla soon enough if you're following the good path. Just be patient and don't forget about the werewolf quest when you finally get there. I don't thing anything but the Official Lycanthrope Cure works, and I don't think anyone sells it outside of Tulla. Could be mistaken though, wouldn't be the first time. I always resurrect the bunny wabbits. They're more grateful to me than Virgil ever is, I can tell you that much. :bunny:
Yo, Can ?, i just thought... from your point of view, which is best ? Tech or magick ? I mean.. in general ?
From my point of view, tech, just because it suits the main character I play the game with. Lots of people will tell you that magick is overpowered compared to tech but I've never had a problem with it. It's really a matter of taste, and what's best from a roleplaying point of view. In my opinion of course.
Yeah... i still remember my first character... the was called "Doc Havenworth" And had a major in gun smithing and herbalist science... Oh, how i laughed, the first time he gunned down the stupid orc muggers in tarant, and how i cried as the ore-golems proceeded to dismember him, as he used his last bullets, in a futile attempt to save both his life, and that of, "let me smash them with my very-dreadful stick of doom", Virgil... Ahhh..... those where indeed the days I've always seen "Harm" and "quelch life" as the cowards way out, though a had a nice half-orc mage once.... Gruzz-Gub Stonetooth.... "YES !!!, In a big place like this ???, can you belive it ?" - Johnatan Dungle
Tech. I follow the electric path all the way, and love it. Right now, I am playing an entirely neutral character, though. Mr Fisto is a half-ogre with st24, be 19, con 20, dex 20... master melee, master dodge, and an int of... 1 He doesn't do tech, he doesn't do magic. He doesn't even know how to spell either of them, but he sure can carve his way through things with his quality broadsword. It's such a refreshing change, but I still prefer Captain Elektrik any day of the week.
Half-Ogres are cool !!!(But they look like aliens) Mine was a melee-master and, BOY did he whack those wolves around !!! I'm getting tempted to try playing a explosives scientist, but they have a hard time getting ammo, right ? AND I WANT MY CHAR TO HAVE A D*** TOP-HAT !!! I BLOODY PAYED FOR THAT !!! :evil:
I'm currently playing an elf with a magick meter at 100. So guess what I prefer? I have played a character with techs to, but didn't like it to much. Anyone else than me who like "Succor Beast" when you have the magick meter at the top? You summon bunnies! Cule little (level 40) bunnies. By the way: I'm new here, so hello all.
once i saw the bunny critical hit the cythia and knocked her out. they then proceeded to dismember her. i returned to david and told him that i killed her... couldn't find "I'm sorry. I saw your daughter dismembered by your rabbits." dialog
Had the same thing happen. I froze the werewolf/girl so that she wouldn't kill the bunnies. Didn't think the bunnies were gonna just tear her apparent. Pretty humorous episode.
THAT was the funniest thing in all the games that i played!!!!!!!!!! well, except the 'bondari reloads' in ToB
NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NEW AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm actually playing three characters at the moment while my Ultima Online character macros away those nasty kill-counts so he can return to the land of the innocent.. Ahem. Anywho, I'm playing Troglo Runk my Half-ogre Melee/Thief. Boring as celestial Latin to fight, the Dialog makes up for it though, especially with Batesy and Raven. Remington S. Wesson, the Charismatic and Nimble-Minded scientist, He's mastered Smithy, Electric, Explosive, Mechanical and Firearms, sure that only leaves just enough points for perception and firearms, but the Twins (Chukka and Sogg) Do most of the fighting with their elite plate mail and axes of zappy-death. And finally... Myria Moonplague, my personal favourite, the Elf with misanthropy and a taste for "purifying" as the inquisition put it. Shrouded hills, Ashbury, Caladon, Quintarra, Stillwater, the Bedoken village, Dernholm and Tsen'Ang are ghost towns. She's mastered the arts of Dark necromancy and has enough will-power to level a mid-sized castle, she has no-followers (Both Virgil and Dog fell during the siege of The Wheel Clan) and she has not the disposition to return them to life. I'm not sure how the discussion with Kerghan will go, but I have a feeling it will look like (I shall return to Arcanum and put an end to this upstart "life", Myria: You're a little slow, aren't you?) *pant* Yep, that's about it...