Help - Lost two followers (Bug?)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Batguano, Sep 7, 2001.

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  1. Batguano

    Batguano New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2001
    This is quite disturbing, and I hope it is a fixable bug...

    Anyways, I was standing by the docks in Blackroot, and decided to stop scrumming around in the trash barrels and go see the Mayor.

    I opened the map screen, and set some waypoints and then let my team run to the town hall. When I got there, 2 of my party memmbers were gone, Sogg and the preist you pick up in the bar. Completely gone, their portraits had disappeared.

    Sooo, I said WTF? and re-loaded a saved-game from before I left the docks. They are gone from that saved-game also!! They were there when I saved!

    I went back to the bar to try and see if for some strange reason the game reset my followers, but the priest was not there.

    Damn! I am P.O.ed! Sogg was a great melee guy, and was my pack horse with good stuff. The priest only had some potions and a staff I looted from the dock workers chest, but still.

    Anyone have a clue as to why this happened, and what (if anything) I can do about it? I do not want to reload a old saved game because I have been using quicksave the last two nights and have progressed my character pretty far! Damn stupid of me not to save every 15 minutes or so since I remember the fun of the Fallout 2 bugs:mad:

  2. Batguano

    Batguano New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2001
    Follow up:

    I downloaded the saved game editor and checked my followers, Sogg is *still* listed as a follower (to the extent that the editor recognizes him as in your party).

    The other dude was Vollinger (I think), anyways the editor states it cannot find him in my saved game file.

  3. PiccoloSMU

    PiccoloSMU New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2001
    oh dude i just remembered i had same problem with undead ( this was worse though )

    ok i summoned 2 undead champions and after i left the mines they disappeared i am like WTF? well the worst part is that ppl were scared of me so i had to restart quiet far away
  4. notsol33t

    notsol33t New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2001
    yes I have the same problem , I was walking around and suddenly Virgil just dissapeared on me , sadly enough I only have 1 extra save , but that's one from like 15 lvls ago :sad:
    ugh I guess I'll have to start over again
  5. Batguano

    Batguano New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2001
    Hmm, appears that this is a bug, hope they fix this in the next patch!

    I tried everything I could think of, so I just used my savegame from 2 days ago. What a load of crud.

    For the heck of it, I re-picked up Vollinger again (think that was his name), and he promptly dissapeared as soon as I left the bar (He liked me, so that wasn't it).

    This better not be very prominent in the game, or it is going to be a bigger game buster than the damn car dissapearing in Fallout 2.

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