Tell Us About Your Favorite Character

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by ArchAngel, Jun 13, 2001.

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  1. Deathlock

    Deathlock New Member

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    Sep 10, 2001
    Name: Deathlock
    Level: 50
    Race: Half-Orc
    Backround: Frankenstien Monster
    Skills: Master of Melee, Dodge, Haggle, Apprentice Repair
    Magic: Strength of Earth, Sheild of Protection, Summon Insects/Orc/Ogre
    Tech: Healing Salve, Fatigue Restorer, Spike Trap
    Helm: Helm of Light
    Gloves: Gloves of Dexterity
    Weapon: 4 Caladon Elite Swords
    Armor: Bronzed Plate
    Boots: Metal Boots

    STR 21 INT 9
    CON 21 WP 20
    DEX 15* PE 7
    BEU 6 CHA 6

    Alignment: 100% good guy, would have been higher but the needle stops at 100.


    Super Strong

    This character has been able to kick ass from the word go. I started by putting 4 points into STR and buying the Strength of Earth. That allowed me to have 21 STR straight away which gives you the double damage bonus. Poor old Virgil hardly gets to fight as I tend to cut most enemy to ribbons in seconds. One tip for anyone running a super-strong character is this, because of the damage bonus you don't need a kick ass magical weapon as any weapon in your hands is lethal (hell even your bare hands are lethal!). So to maximize your potential you need fast weapons so you get plenty of attacks. I carry four Caladon Elite Swords, they are damn fast but a bit brittle, thats why I carry four and use my repair skill to keep them in good condition.

    Super Tough

    This character is very resilient to damage. I've never bothered with detecting traps, I just stamp on them to set them off. Some of them sting a bit but most just tickle, none have ever come close to being fatal. The poison immunity is great, I can mix lethal vemon with my whiskey to give it that little extra kick and have the sure knowledge that no stumpy little git will steal my drink :smile:. Also I can wade into hordes of Spiders and Poisoned Rats with no fear of death.

    Apparently Stupid

    Because of the speech defect everyone thinks my character is stupid despite his above avarage intelligence. This really simplifies the dialogs with important NPCs. Instead of having to navigate your way through a complex dialog tree your conversations usually get straight to the point. Mostly they go long the lines of "Have you got a job for me" and they either say "yes" or "no", no messing about trying to figure out motives and hidden agendas. Also they often take pity on you and explain what you have to do in simple detail. There are also some tasks which are much easier to solve if you are stupid such as the quest to get rid of the men at the logging camp.


    Nobody loves you

    Almost no one likes half orcs, especially a stupid one. If you choose this type of character to must be resigned to being a loner, although Virgil will always follow you and he doesn't dissappear. The dwarves will be discourteous towards you and will try to rip you off when you deal with them, this is why I learned to be haggle & repair master. However they ain't as bad as the elves as they will at least talk to you and give you jobs to do. When you go to the Elvish city don't even bother speaking to anyone but Raven and Fawn (the healer) as all the other arrogant bastards will just look down their pointy noses at you (if wasn't such a good guy I'd soon blunt their pugs!)

    Apparently Stupid

    Although this can be an advantage it can also work against you as some patrons will not send you on their quest because they think you are too stupid to succeed.


    50th Level Half-Orc Frankenstein Monster Techno-Mage

    Diz ard t'be da g'd guy when nobuddy luvs you :sad:

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Deathlock on 2001-09-17 18:31 ]</font>
  2. miragetung

    miragetung New Member

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    Sep 17, 2001
    My super accident

    Name: Nanako
    Level: 50 Half Elf Mage/Fighter
    Str: 20 Int: 8 (Cant red maps ~_~)
    Con: 10 Wil: 19
    Dex: 21 Per: 7 (Adjusting arcane helm)
    Bea: 14 Cha: 16

    Master Melee
    Master Force
    Mage Summoner
    Expert Dodge
    Expert Haggle
    Expert Persuation
    Expert Lockpick
    Expert Pickpocket

    Summoned Familiar
    Medical Arachnid

    Armour and Weapon:
    Arcane Helm
    Arcane Sword
    Arcane Shield
    Gloves of dexterity
    Fated Ring x2 ( Critical Strike within 3hits)
    Finger of Mannox amulet
    Enchanted Boots
    Red Barbarian Armour
    total defence 134
    total attack 43

    One comment: if get the sword from Bane of Kree in void, this character is a stealth tank..... ^_^V

    mirage, distorting self thru distorting the environment.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: miragetung on 2001-09-17 17:56 ]</font>
  3. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 30, 2001
  4. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Name: Scar

    Race: Half-Orc

    Level: 40

    Stats: Str 12 Int 8
    Dx 20 Wp 8
    Cn 12 Pe 18
    Be 11 Ch 6

    Skills: Bow (Master)
    Melee (Expert)
    Dodge (Expert)
    Throwing (Apprentice)

    Prowling (Master)
    Pick Pocket (Expert)
    PickLocks (Master)

    Herbology 2
    Electric 2
    Explosives 6

    Equipment: Pyro Bow (katana for back up)
    War Gauntlets
    Trap Maker's Glasses
    Metal Boots
    Oiled Thieve's Leather
    2 Charged rings
    Jewel of Herbe

    With his supressed Orcish Looks, Scar is one Orc that people actually don't mind talking to. He travels alone and doesn't take crap from anyone. He believes in doing the right thing and consequently has a high good alignment. Always enjoys thieving from those arrogant mages. No lock, trap or guard can stop him from stealing whatever he wants.

    In combat he is undeaftable, firing a barrage of flaming arrows from afar whilst remaining unseen in the shadows. For the tougher foes he encounters he simipily pulls out his arsenal of explosive weapony ranging from Electrocution Grenades to Concusion bombs.

    :D :D :D
  5. Canis

    Canis New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 17, 2002
    Is anybody keeping score? Is this a record for gravedigging or what?
  6. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2002
    Whats wrong with bringing up an old thread? Especially if its a good one :p
  7. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2002
    Any ideas of what to spend the rest of my CPs on for the previously posted character?
    Im thinking Str and Cn. Or maybe I'll just stack em all into Be, a half orc with 20 Be sounds appealing to me :D How I love origonal characters.
  8. Skraenyus

    Skraenyus New Member

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    Mar 24, 2003
    Name: Kip Trigger
    Profession: Gunsmith(lvl 2)/Electrician(lvl 3)
    Background: Miracle Operation
    Lvl: 13

    Also Expert in Firearms and Persuassion

    Equipment: All are still worthless!!! but he's wearing two charged rings a flow spectrometer and a fine revolver.
  9. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    Well, since its been dug out, and its not a bad idea... Let me introduce my favorite character so far.

    Character name: Thor
    Race: dwarf
    Background: miracle operation
    Speciality: tech archer/explosives technician.
    Stats: explosives to fire obstruction (for the pyro bow), electricity to charged rings, Master bow, Master persuasion, Expert locksmith, DX20 (with rings), PE20(with eye gear), CH20, the rest invested into ST to decrease encumberance.
    Followers: virtually everyone I could get. Magnus(eye gear for shooters and for sale, pyro axes for the fighters), Jayna (for her wonderful elixirs that work even on the mages), Sogg, Chukka, dog, Dante, Jormund, Waromon, Raven and Vollinger I think. I remember paying for 11 people on the way to Caladon. Don't really remember how I got so many. Oh and I had a medical arachnid from Maxim, but didn't get a chance to use him.
    Pyro bow
    Eye gear
    Small elite plate
    Metal boots
    2 charged rings
    Jewel of Hebe
    Grenades, Jayna's drugs and potions of speed for emergencies.

    A typical dwarf, Thor is very focused, honest and raised to be a fearless fighter. People seem to like his honestly and wit, and he makes friends with the right people easily. He is always ready to help those in need and deliver the punishment upon the evil ones.
    Weaker than most of his race, he makes up for it in a fight by having an excellent eyesight and a steady hand, and is unbeatable with his pyrotechnic bow, as well as the smart use of explosives. If there is anything left standing after his arrow quiver goes empty, his ogre friends are always glad to finish the job with their pyro axes :)
  10. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

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    Aug 13, 2002
    Skraenyus, maybe you could use abit more detail? Maybe say how you use the character and what skills/stats you plan to get.

    Thor sounds alot like on of my characters apart from I had thievery instead of followers. I even had much the same equipment:D

    Tell me, how did you manage to get an elite plate without maxing smithy? I thought the only way to get that armor was to make it yourself? :eek:
  11. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

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    Nov 10, 2002
    If you do the negotiations quest, you can steal a small elite plate from one of the people who are trying to bribe you inside the Caladon palace (a dwarf representing the military). He only appears when you're on your way to do the quest and disappears after negotiations are over. Stealing takes a fate point. Another person, a human, has a long range pistol, which you also won't find anywhere.
  12. Delkatani

    Delkatani New Member

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    Mar 28, 2003
    Delkatani- this is my current character and have the most fun playing with

    level: 33
    race: half elf
    gender: m
    background: apprentice to shopkeeper
    class: general practitioner of magicks/charismatic leader

    magick colleges:
    4 in divination
    3 in summoning
    3 in temporal

    2 in melee (apprentice)
    1 in dodge (apprentice)
    3 in persuasion (expert)

    franklin payne
    perrimen smythe
    medical arachnid

    alignment: 100
  13. The Chosen One

    The Chosen One New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 13, 2002
    Very nice, Delkatani.

    Solaris, can you only steal the LRP while doing the negotiations quest? :eek:
  14. Solaris

    Solaris New Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 10, 2002
    Yes. Never seen it anywhere else
  15. DrFraud

    DrFraud New Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 2, 2001
    My favorite character tends to be whatever I'm playing at the moment. :grin: Right now, I'm playing:

    Gwyneth, a level 15 female half-elf mage with Disarm, Unlocking Cantrip, Harm, Conjure Spirit, three levels of Dodge and Melee, and plans to max out the Necromantic Black and Conveyance schools.

    Brianna, a level 10 female human techie with Heal Life, Fatigue Restorer, Pure Ore, two levels of Dodge and three of Melee, and plans to max out the Herbology and Smithy disciplines, with a possible minor in Explosives.

    Samantha, a level 5 female elven thief with two points of Dodge, Melee and Pick Locks, one point of Spot Traps and Disarm Traps, and plans to max out (at least) Pick Locks, Spot & Disarm Traps and Pickpocket.

    Lucy, a just-created female half-orc diplomat with a point apiece of Dodge, Melee, Gambling and Persuasion, and plans to max out Gambling, Persuasion and Haggle.
  16. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    You can also make it. Just keep on resting a screen or two away from those who sell gun schematics (figure them out for yourself :D) and keep checking with them. There's all sorts of cool and rare schematics that you can get, like the time bomb and things like that. I never got to make most of the explosive ones, because they were so hard to find.
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