I look through all of the suggestions throughout this board and you know what I see? Complaints about Arcanum 1, not suggestions for Arcanum 2. "Get rid of the bugs" is a common one. People want to be able to use their stuff from Arcanum 1. I think that Arcanum 2 should be a seperate entity. Not an expansion pack on 1, like every single suggestion on this list seems to indicate. Arcanum 2 really needs better graphics than Arcanum 1. Although some people had problems with the complexity of the original, none of my friends were willing to buy the game because it was not graphically impressive. There are plenty of other RPGs that look infinitely superior. Of course in most of those the gameplay is inferior, but the first few minutes of play have quite a bit of affect.
I was thinking about the 3D versus 2D thing the other day. I think that in 3D you have more flexibility, because once you're in that sort of mode you can manipulate the actors better. Like, if part of a conversation involves 'yep, that there railroad will take you to tarant, straight yonder', the person telling you that can take a step towards the tracks and look along them. Maybe point his finger or put a hand to his brow (and in the uber sophisticated games of the future, he'd only do that based on where the sun was at the time) It's more dramatic, you know. Also, and though these could all be done in 2D, I suppose, the reclusive elven ranger in your party will get distracted in a conversation and look out at the surrounds...