character templates

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Daehawk, Sep 6, 2001.

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  1. Daehawk

    Daehawk New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2001
    hey all can anyone list or throw up a link to some character templates for whats a good stats setup for a gunslinger and whats good statwise or skills wise when creating a smith or a mage or a thief..that kinda stuff...thnx
  2. notsol33t

    notsol33t New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2001
    gunslinger -> high dex perc firearms , max those out and you'll have a great gunslinger

    thieves benefit from high dex when they're pickpocketing , other than that it all depends on the fact if you want lockpicking too or if you want some spells like invisibility , unlocking cantrip etc.
    then you have to choose what kind of weapons your thief will prefer , probably daggers to use backstab

    mage : choose the spells you like , high willpower , int , dex , maybe take melee and dodge too

    the amount you spend on each skill really depends on how much you want to spend
    I think that there really is no set point distribution scheme that would be good for everyone
    I mean I have a gunslinging techy , that has points in explosives for molotov cocktail , has some electricity points for the rings and shield , later on the tophat maybe , some points in mech for the eyegear , has healing salve , oh boy , see where I'm going with this ?
  3. Daehawk

    Daehawk New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 5, 2001

    ok thnx for info..I did'nt toss any extra into dex yet..guess i better my next lvl up....thinking of healing salve or more dodge next time also...this 1 point per lvl really makes you consider where it goes..i think I need at least 5 per lvl hehehe
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