Defeating Ore Golem at Black Mountain?

Discussion in 'Arcanum Hints & Tips' started by Acacia22, Sep 3, 2001.

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  1. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Playing the retail version.
    Made it to the Black Mountain mines with a level 9 Gnome who only knows the heal spell.
    I've encountered and Ore Golem and Weapons don't work on it, in fact they get damaged if you attack the golem with them. I think this situation calls for spells, but I don't have any. Is there another way around the golem? Also, how do I keep my followers from attacking the golem? They're destroying thier weapons.
  2. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    Level 9? Wow I was like 15 when I got there do some more quests, But if not maybe you have some dynamite? with expert timing you can make him walk on it as it explodes.
    There will be a little more of those but not all you have to kill, so I suggest you get mor exp before going in there. As to the weapons Someone said the mystical axe isn't damaged but you don't have that.. Maybe use granade you got at the start?
  3. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Thanks for the advice, unforutantely I wasted the grenades at the crash site on some wolves (thought they would be abundant in the game). I tried running past the golem but it follows you, as well there's a horde of other creatures up ahead that you have to stop and fight. Guess I'll have to go back to Tarant and find some more side quests, and try and build up some offensive magic spells. I read the creatures stats at the Terra Arcanum website, it mentions that the golem has has fire and electrical resistances of 20, but doesn't mention wind or water damage, does this mean that wind or water would work best? (not sure if there are even wind or water spells as i haven't messed around very much with magic).
    Also would like to try and keep my followers from going after the golem, maybe there's some way that I can do an F5 to back off and attack the golem by myself...
  4. Jinxed

    Jinxed Active Member

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    Aug 13, 2001
    the followers in this part are just so annoying!! I got so pissed watching the golem dismemebering them. What I did was use ranged weapon, and told them to wait somewhere, (Warning, if you have magmus, and took him after making the deal with the necros at the jewelery shop, after you tell him to wait he will not want to join again you need to go with him and kill them.) you can right clik on their portrait to select wait.
  5. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    What I did was went back to level 1 of BMC then have my parties wait there. Then I go back to level 2, the place where the golems are. I keep using harm at him since that is the only offensive spell I have. It is pretty slow so its okay. I keep doing that until I can go back to level 1 to regenerate then go back again and again until I destroy the golem. I know this is not a good strategy but I am a weak mage, what do you expect. Probably the same level as you back then but I spend most of my CP in Charm and Persuasion.
  6. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel New Member

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    May 18, 2001
    Bah! Just go in swinging. No offence but on hard mode they arn't though and if you went to Tarant you should have enough money to buy katanas. Theyre fairly cheap, about 900 coins apiece, and they last awhile. Also always carry 3 or 4 spares. Oh course if your not made for melee combat this stratgy wouldn't work to well. Ranged weapons would work, summonables do wonders, but if you choose none of these theres always the dog. Oh yes! The most powerful weapon to defeat these monsters. Get the dog. He's in Ashbury around the Inn. He's very strong and he doesn't take up a follower slot. He can go toe to toe with those golems and only get minor damages. Remember, though, have Virgil stand by (Backoff) so he can heal the dog when get it gets hurt.
  7. Beelzebubba

    Beelzebubba New Member

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    Jul 31, 2001
    Another strategy...

    This works on most monsters... Just run around your party members in circles, close enough so that they can hit what you're trying to kill. Most monsters will ignore your party members and chase you, and you can always buy cheap weapons to arm your party with for these encounters. They'll usually take the monster out without it ever stopping to attack.
  8. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Thanks everyone for the tips, unforutunately I'm not trained in ranged (throwing) weapons just melee and firearms. I took a look through all the spells and came to find that there aren't many offensive ones. I started learning nature spells-'charm creature' and next I'm going to build up to 'entangle'. I'm thinking that when I finaly go back to the mountatins and face the golem again, I might be able to restrain it long enough to get by and hopefully it won't persue once I'm far enough past it, it's a shame however as I would like to get the experience from beating it.
    My travelers at present aren't very rich, so I don't wanna waste weapons, but I'm curious, do the weapons still do damage even though I'm getting messages that the weapons are taking damage?
  9. friend_al_23

    friend_al_23 New Member

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    Jul 30, 2001
    Yes, it will. Unless you got 0 hit points for that item.
  10. MigraineMan

    MigraineMan New Member

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    Aug 29, 2001

    I start the Shield of Protection spell (which really comes in hand in most difficult battles) and make sure whoever the golem is attacking is protected. I then hammer the golem with multiple Harm spell attacks until my fatigue drops to around 10. Then, I just kick in the melee combat.

    Having a higher willpower level helps keep your fatigue balance higher for more prolonged magic attacks, and I suspect it may have also given me the ability to cast three times instead of two times per turn (is that another skill?). With some manual adjustments, I'm letting the game set my points using the "Warrior/Mage" scheme, which is doing a good job of allocating points where I need them.
  11. PiccoloSMU

    PiccoloSMU New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 12, 2001
    lol never used that piece of shit =)

    and yeah if u dont have magic it is HARD to kill golems hate all mine lvls
  12. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    If you pursue the technological arts, a pyrotechnic axe works wonders on all sorts of creatures...

    Get the schematic from Edward Willoughsby's basement...a few mechanical arachnid's down there though, so watch out. You'll need smithy expertise enough to make a featherweight axe and 10 explosive expertise. The pyrotechnic axe rocks. I used for almost the entire game and didn't find a better weapon...I made 3 in all, one for me, Virgil and Magnus (before he died and I accidentally saved...why doesn't Virgil like healing Magnus, anyone know?), then I gave the last one to Sebastian when I got him.

    Go the pyrotechnic axe!
  13. ZaijiaN

    ZaijiaN New Member

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    Aug 31, 2001
    I put together a pryotechnic axe, and in the hands of magnus, it works wonders! I let the golem chase me while magnus hacks it up.

    Using a haste potion in conjuction with this tactic works well.

    Also fun, is haste & looking glass rifle.... KICKASS.
  14. DrunkenMaster

    DrunkenMaster New Member

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    Sep 2, 2001
    At that point in the game I had the Serrated Chakram which does not get damaged and does decent damage, not to mention the good range. Doesn't matter much if your weapons get hurt, I never had a weapon break in the game, and if it gets close just get it repaired.

    One strategy I use sometimes when fighting a harder enemy is to just let the monster chase you while your allies gang up on him, the monster won't attack until you are in attack mode.

    The lava monsters you meet just a little later are more trouble, good luck
  15. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    Wow, thanks for all the advice. I finaly got through Black Mountain but didn't complete it, there were just some areas that had too many creatures to get around. My Gnome is level 14 now, my highest stats are 10's and are in Strength, Dexterity, and Willpower, every other attribute is a nine or an eight.
    I used 'entangle' to get past most of the rock monsters, it works well if you don't fight the monster after using it, otherwise it seems you chop him free from entangle, so I had to imediately hit F5 (back off) right before or right after casting. Some of the rock sprites I had to actualy beat the crap out of as even though suppressed, they still threw rocks at me, entangle worked extrmeley well on the glowing red golems however (seething masses?). On exiting the mines I came across a pair of mechanical gauntlets which I think were specificaly designed for beating on rock creatures, ironicaly. Now I'm back off again to Shrouded and Tarant to heal a nasty scar I recieved and fix my damaged weapons. Hopefuly I got what I needed from the mine to return to Bates with (a note from the assasins claiming the mine has been abandoned), as I'm not fit to return to it untill quite a few levels from now.
  16. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    I think Virgil doesn't waste his magic on Magnus as Magnus's technological apptitude, foils spells. I too end up having to heal Magnus myself as Virgil nevers attempts to and it seems that once out of every three times I cast heal on Magnus, the spell messes up.
  17. OrionM26

    OrionM26 New Member

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    Jul 22, 2001
    Well, u can alway use a gun

    I was level 15 when i went to Black Mountain as i didn't use the walkthru then.

    The golems were nothing as I already had my Spy glass rifle with me, killed them with about 3shots at most. Increased my speed with Agility of Fire.

    To make the rifle, drink an intellect potion b4 u spend a point when u level up and put it in gun smithy. In that case, u could get the rifle done easily.. and IT KILLS....
  18. Acacia22

    Acacia22 New Member

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    Sep 3, 2001
    When I first started the game, I told myself I was going to be a gun expert and I placed a few points in firearms and gunsmithy, this turned out to be a big waste as, as the game went on I found melee fighting and spell casting to prove more practical. I tried to keep my tech meter at zero, taking neither a magical or technical apptitude, however, at zero, tech objects still have critical failures. I beat myself with up a power axe that I found in Black Mountain, which is a shame as it was the best weapon I've found yet, so I assuming if I attempt to fire a gun I will damage myself also.
    I finaly made it out of the mines, scouring every inch and speaking with the crazy dwarf. It wasn't easy and there are two Seething Masses left in the mines that I was unable to kill.
  19. Jo

    Jo New Member

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    Sep 15, 2001
    I find the Stun spell (level 2 Mental) works just as well for stopping things in there tracks. It may not last as long as entangle, but you can hit people without them coming round, but then I am playing an evil manipulator specialising in domination and persuasion. - The only things to watch with this tactic are the techie monsters which seem immune to stun.
  20. Delita

    Delita New Member

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    Aug 10, 2001
    lvl 9? DANG! i was like level 21 after leaving the sewers in tarant. You really need to just get distance on the ore golems. and 1 point into thats force armor spell does wonders for sogg and virgil. Believe me, it has saved me on numerous occasions.

    My brother just ACCIdently, saved over my game, when i was level 39, so i think, i will start over as a Techi. Bombs sound aok?
    How many schmatics can be found?
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