First I want to say, VERY cool game. Like Wasteland on steroids! Now my question. How do I build the things I have learned schematics for? I can't seem to find the option to actually make any of these things. I have my mechanical maxed out (I guess) and an INT of 19. The last option I have on my mechanical options to build is a mechanical arachnid. Where are my medical arachnid and automaton ? I learned them supposedly, at least it said I did when I used the papers. I was hoping to start collecting what I need to build them even if I can't make them yet, but I don't know where to look to see what I need. I did a search and read those topics, but they only say how to 'learn' the schematics and books from the library.
I'm not sure if this answers your question, but your learned schematics (ones you spend character points on when you level up) and found schematics (ones you buy, steal, or whatever) are sorted separately. Press the little buttons to the left of the schematics to toggle between them.
Thanks! I looked around some more and found the toggle button you were talking about. I thought they would be an extension of the rest of mechanical line of technology. I guess I will be stocking stuff for a while, now I have to learn another school before I can build them :-x
You don't have to learn another school, you can just buy manuals from the bookseller in Tarant University. Put the manuals in your inventory and they will give you a necessery ammount of points in the discipline oyu need