:x I'm having a bit of trouble with the quest under the First Panjarri (or whatever the hell their called) Temple. I went into the sewers, as per their request, and snuck into that area. But I'm stuck now that I'm at the door inside the tomb (the one that says "knock no more than three times if you have not the key"). I've tried everything I know, but I can't seem to find the key. And if you knock three times, these demons appear... which also doesn't advance the game any. If anyone knows what freakin key I need (they said it's a word I have to know) can be found, please help me out... I'm starting to get pissed at the game. -Gabriel Brohm Master Locksmith Master Melee Master Dodger Techno God
There is a back way in. There is a crack in the northwestern wall in one of the sewers which you can go through and more or less takes you straight in there. Had me stumped as well.
There are two hidden entries in the sewers, one for each side of the door. Look around, they are not far from each other wether you measure straghit line distance or as the sewer winds.