well, I'm 1 course away from graduation, and have been 1 course away for the past year. I was supposed to graduate in May 2001, but failed one course -- Intermediate Latin 2. Luckily, I was able to turn my student job in the school's library's book-sorting room to a full-time job at the Circulation Desk, and full-time employees get to take 1 course a semester for $7.00. So I took the course again in in Spring 2002 (the course is only offered in the Spring semester). And failed it again.... I'll be taking it for a 3rd time this upcoming Spring semester. So, in response to the question -- I turned my part-time job at the college library into a full-time one, and enjoyed it greatly.
I skipped my own graduation, went to see my best friend graduate up at UC Santa Cruz (yes, his SATs were too low for UCLA, poor lad), spent the weekend drinking and convincing my Republican friends that Karl Marx really was on to something, sunk into a depression, lost my mind, and decided to go to grad school. Grad school! In political science! What was I thinking! Oh, right, I WASN'T thinking. What have I done with my nice paper degrees? I help train wild animals for film and television, and also volunteer at the local rabbit and German Shepherd Dog rescues. Should've studied ethology or zoology, but I started college at 16. Who the hell knows what they want to do at 16?! I swear to god, there should be some kind of law that keeps people out of college until they're like 25 or something. Okay, so I screwed up and I'm old and bitter. What of it!
Hmm... When I graduated Kindergarden, my class dressed up as High School graduates and had a kind of play cerimony. When I graduated Elementry School into Middle School, I went on the computer, like all days... Hey, you said graduate in general!
He also said, "For all college graduates in here," kiddo. I mean, if you're going to be such a stickler.... Bah. I didn't even have a computer until after college. Reminds me of that old AOL or CompuServe or Whatever commercial, where the dad's friend has hot tickets to the basketball game but dad can't go because he's (horror!) got to take his kid to the library to do a report on dinosaurs. Ah, says dad's friend, if you have AOL or CompuServe or Whatever you can just go online, print out a crapload of info about dinosaurs, and your kid's report will be all done and we can go to the game! Great idea, says dad! Of course the whole bloody point of taking the kid to the library is not to do serious research, but to get the kid familiar with the practice of using the library independently both to locate information and for the sheer pleasure of it. This irresponsible deadbeat is depriving his kid of his education. I mean, what's next, letting kids use calculators in math class?! Oh. Right. Forget I said anything. Excuse me, there're some kids out playing on my lawn I need to go scream at....
I joined the Army. Yeah, I had nothing better to do with my life and they offered me a good chance at seeing the world. Now, I'm 10 miles from the N. Korean border. Damn, I knew I should have read the fine print.
I've got one year to go before I get my Bachelor of Information Technology. After I finish that, I'll probably join the Army. Scary thought, isn't it?
Did you rest for a couple of months just right after graduation or start fulfilling what you want e.g. find a job or go to the army?
I did ROTC through college, so it was a requirement that I join immediately afterward. I don't mind though. They pay is good and I met my fiance as a result of joining the Army. But if I had a choice, I'd be doing something else.
When I graduated from Uni, I drank a couple of bottles of champagne and then went to sleep. Exciting huh?
I went back to college in my late 30s to hide from a ressecion. When I graduated, my shiny new BA in history might have helped me land that auto mechanic job, but I doubt it. Mostly, what I did after graduation was loose touch with a lot of friends.