How do i use medical Archid? i am darging this damn thing al

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by orangepanther, Sep 1, 2001.

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  1. orangepanther

    orangepanther New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2001
    to use it, pls give me details, cause throwing on the floor doesnt help.
  2. Klyde

    Klyde New Member

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    Aug 29, 2001
    Its quite easy actually. Put the huge thing in one of ur slots. (10 slots in middle of the screen) Ya know, the ones u put potions and stuff in. Then go out of the inventory screen and click on the slot u put it in. now move the cursor away from ya and click!, ur guy should throw it into a spider. If it is under u and not spider like, just do it again
  3. orangepanther

    orangepanther New Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 31, 2001
    The frekking thing doesnt want to work

    Tried all kinds of drops from belt and not belt, it falls down and keep laying in its compact state.
  4. Marcus Hadespyre

    Marcus Hadespyre New Member

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    Aug 31, 2001
    Don't drop it, THROW it. If that still doesn't work then must be a bug.
  5. TechDude

    TechDude New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    The same damn thing is happening to me, they don't work like the mechanical ones do... why are you guys giving advice when you haven't actually used medical arachnids?

    And how can it be a bug? Is there any programmer in the world who would implement a major game feature and not evn take 10 seconds to test and make sure it was usable? I mean, this isn't exactly an obscure and hard to pinpoint problem!!

    Jesus christ, if that's true then this game is being uninstalled... I'm not starting over with a new strategy - how many other techs/spells are completely broken?

    Very dissappointing :sad:
  6. Beelzebubba

    Beelzebubba New Member

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    Jul 31, 2001
    Medical Arachnid...

    As Klyde says, you stick it in one of your quick slots and click on it to use the thing. I've used them without any problems. If you are right clicking to drag it onto the screen you are doing it wrong. All you have to do is LEFT click on the thing and click on the game screen. By the way, the medical arachnids are too slow to be of much use, in my opinion, and weigh way too much to be reasonably carried over a long period of time. These are just my opinions, but after using one for about 2 hours, I came to the conclusion that it was much simpler to just carry healing potions with me.
  7. Elara

    Elara New Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2001
    There's no bug. It works. Mine works well. Ergo, you're doing something wrong.
  8. Helcallach

    Helcallach New Member

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    Sep 15, 2001
    If your character has no throwing skill at all, like mine, he'll probably drop the arachnid next to his feet (thus not causing it to activate) nine times out of ten. Try and try and try. If it still doesn't work, it's a bug.
  9. TechDude

    TechDude New Member

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    Sep 16, 2001
    My character does have throwing skill, I have been using molotov cocktails extensively and have no trouble at all with mechanical arachnids, but teh medical onse just don't work. Since I have seen several other poeple describe the same problem re: mech arachnids work for them but medical ones do NOT, I assume that it is, in fact, a bug in the program.

    And, Beezelbub, if your tech skill was high enough to make medical arachnids then healing potions would be totally useless on you... what's up with that? Am I supposed to believe your comments after you say something so wacky?
  10. Borrisk

    Borrisk New Member

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    Sep 20, 2001
    I'm also having problems with the med. arachnid. The mech and automaton work fine, but the medical one just sits there closed, waiting to be stolen by those dang guards in tarant, greedy sons of...Anyway...I've tried throwing it around, zoning, loading games, remaking the mech arachnid, etc etc, and nothing works. If anyone has found a solution to the problem, I would be much obliged, otherwise I will just take the mech arachnid and make another automaton, since they lay the smack down quite well.
  11. Beelzebubba

    Beelzebubba New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2001
    Silly comment...

    "And, Beezelbub, if your tech skill was high enough to make medical arachnids then healing potions would be totally useless on you... what's up with that? Am I supposed to believe your comments after you say something so wacky?"

    This is a rather silly thing to say. Healing potions work perfectly well on a tech, it's healing spells that tend to go wacky on me. And besides that, have you not heard of tech manuals? I used several tech manuals, pretty much filling my inventory with them, in order to make the thing. Also, playing the game through several times, I think I've got a good idea of what works for the types of characters I play. I'm currently playing a Dwarven Knife Thrower, and am trying to keep my tech/magic meter close to the middle of the line. With this config everything works, but not very well. :smile: I can both cast spells and use technology, but at some point I'll have to choose one or the other in order to do anything well. Try not to insult people when you don't know what you're talking about.
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