The dog rocks, I wish I you could name him. It'd have to be some mean name though, cuz he is beating down those enemies fast and hard! :smile: My dog currently has 20 in str and 5 in dodging and melee, both on expert(at the cost of -1 follower, but what the heck..)
Arooooooooooooooooooooooooo! did anyone leave dogmeat behind in fallout 2? hehe. But if i had a dog, hed have to be dogmeat, he was such a pimp (= i loved him in the fallout series, especially since no matter how evil or stupid you were hed still chill with you. good pooch! (though dogmeat died way to easily *sniffle*)
Under the worst followers I put the dwarven mage (cant remember name). He's in Quentara(Can't remember spelling either, hehe). Heres some reasons... 1.) He starts with a staff and does like 1-4 damages when you get him there isn't alot of places to get weapons so basicly your stuck for awhile with that. Now this staff also has a speed of like 32, add that with a low melee skill, and you get more critical fails then your char's had in the whole game. 2.) Then theres his magics. I mean he's a mage so you figure he'd make up for his lack in melee with some kick ass magics to back his ass up, right? Wrong. Imagine a lvl 28 dwarf verses 2 lvl 10 guards. Childs play, right? Wrong. He summons a Fire elemental to battle them, but theres one problem it cost him 100 fatigue. After a few hits from the guards his remaining fatigue is gone and his great fire weapon is gone. I acually did this. Of course he didn't die (I saved the day), but what a wuss. 3.) He's very weak, so turning him into a mule is a bad idea. Well thats all. For my fav's I'd go with Virgil or Raven. Their voice-overs are great!
Worthless Mutt is by far the best NPC because: 1.) He doesn't take up an NPC slot. 2.) He does insane damage. 3.) When he attacks, the player gets the experience from it. As for the worst NPC, I wouldn't know. I really don't get a lot of NPCs because I haven't tried a high charisma character yet.
If i could name him, I'd call him Dogmeat 2 =) I don't like Magnus But I love Sogg Head Mead, he's a drunkard lol, and he also deals kickbutt damage with good weapons. Geoffrey Tarrelond-Ashe's voice over I like, it's so slappable. I wanna reach in the game and wack him. lol
Gotta love Dogmeat. Yes, he's Dogmeat, dammit. You know it's Dogmeat. The Soggster and Loghaire are my other two ass kickers...not counting the mage boys and techies if I can get them...
Go Worthless Mutt! Fly on the wings of courage! Worthless Mutt both ownz ur b0n3z and r0x0rz ur b0x0rz. He is /definitely/ my favourite follower, if only by virtue of being Dogmeat's spiritual successor. As for followers I really dislike, I can't really say there are any. Jorumund is least effective and Geoffrey is most annoying, but they're both interesting enough in their comparative reclusiveness that I can't really hold it against either of them. Side note: Worthless Mutt /doesn't/ take a follower slot? Carp-o-Carp. That means I have one slot left with my diplomat elf and the only character currently available for pick-up that I'm not certain will reject me is Vollinger - and he's an evil techie. Most unfortunate
VIrgil is handy as an alternate target cuz he heals himself, plus he doesn't care if you're evil or not until AFTER he dies in Caladon. Raven is cool but way to restrively good- not good for thiefely characters. Jayna is useless. There's a techie adventurer in BLack ROot, I forget his name, something Payne I think, who's really useful. Too bad he doesn't show up until late in the game- he comes with an elephant gun :razz: ANyone in the VOid is useless- the final battle ends REALLY quickly with NO DAMAGE if you've got good ole Dread Armor on people. Plus they won't let you give them armor or weapons. Magnus is fun for a techie character. Once again, Jayna is useless.
best NPC raven gotta love the elves and the dwarf is gay cause he is weak and healing magic doesnt work on him
did you ever try torian kel ? he s a one men army slaughtering anything with out questions he gives all eforts in streght willpower dex melee and dogde so he grows to a true killing machine but is really hard to make him stay till your charisma reaches 20 cause he dont like good atitudes and an unimportant question WHERE ARE THE DOG ??? every body s talking about these great dog and i want him too cause i think he s cool i ve read that hes in ashbury ok so i went to ashbury no dog ok he s near the hotel so i went to the hotel no dog he s south east of the hotel no dog souht east of the hotel are the docks with the elven shopkeeper and an inn but no dog so where the hell is the dog am i blind ? there is nobody kicking a dog how i ve read it s so please tell me WHERE IS THE DOG ? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: tarin on 2001-09-05 11:12 ]</font>
thx i think that its alredy too late and i wont load an old save game going 20 lev or more back for the dog but with my next char i will kick that dam gnome bloddy in the ass hehe but why the dog dont kill the gnome after all rumors i heard i think hes one of the best melle fighters... ok thats not so important but can anybody tell me what the hell i ve to do to make Z'an Al'urin the drow battle priest to follow me even with charisma on 20 she always dsagree to folow me is there a special quest to finish oder item to find ? i think she s very usefull so i will do anything to make her follow me
keeping evil char's to keep the evil npc's in the game, just use the dark helm to adjust your magic level,+20, and also your evil,-20,. it is also good when your magic armor starts to lose its protection. keep the helm in your box and use it whenever your or your non tech followers magic gets low.
One of the worst followers would be Franklin Payne. He has only 7ST, which he won't develop, and his own equip is Elephant gun which requires ST8. Good I was able to make a Looking Glass Rifle for him.
atleast he says funny things but it's kind of silly, having a gun which requires more strengh than he has, I mean didn't he notice that it would be hard hiving to kill those trolls or giants from his story with his bare hands with 7 str?