Could humans live longer?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by xento, Nov 15, 2002.

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  1. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002

    I wasn't even going to begin to take apart nbrosz's last post... it just isn't worth it.
  2. Snowmane

    Snowmane New Member

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    Aug 20, 2002
    Jewlious Ceazer?! Jewlious Ceazer?! Do you mean Julius Caesar? Julius Caesar assassinated in 44 B.C., which was pretty far before Jesus was allegedly born. Now, would you like me to get into pronouncing "Julius Caesar", or no?
  3. Rat Keeng

    Rat Keeng New Member

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    Mar 20, 2002
    Hehehe, Jewlious. Leader of the juish people :roll:

    I'd swap that bible with some decent history books.
  4. Jarinor

    Jarinor New Member

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    Aug 5, 2001
    The Bible says many things, some of which aren't correct. It isn't the only repository of truth in the universe, and it was written by men, which means, hey, IT CAN BE WRONG ASSHOLE!

    Seriously, how hard can it be to spell Julius? It's like Julian - please don't tell me you spell it like Jewlian. It's not like there's a trick to spelling Julius - no hidden vowels/consonants/whatever weird language tricks you pull. And Caesar, man, have you ever had Caesar salad? Caesar sauce? A Caesarian section? Okay, maybe you didn't have a Caesarian section, but surely you've seen it spelt some where.

    Caesar didn't do anything of the sort. The calendar was so botched in those days that they lost 11 days in time over a 1000 year period. Might not sound that bad, but when the Church finally got around to correcting it in 1200 AD or so (Luchaire can probably give a better figure) the English bankers panicked like hell, trying to figure out how to calculate interest and whatnot :D.

    And if God could have seen it coming (not comming), why didn't he just make it error-free in the first place?
  5. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    Heh. October 1582. The calendar that year skipped from Oct 4 straight to Oct 15, which really pissed some folks off...
  6. chalcedony

    chalcedony New Member

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    Oct 4, 2001
    *Probably* because he didn't invent the calendar, and because he *probably* doesn't care how bankers count interest.

    nbrosz, there is such a thing as reading too much into the Bible. I doubt God meant for "threescore and ten" to be anything more than an estimator of life expectancy.
  7. Drugar

    Drugar New Member

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    Nov 9, 2002
    I heard that most of the bodily weakening (don't klnow how to phrase it...both in English and Dutch, the aging process anyway) is caused by the very thing that gives us life: Oxygine.
    As it is quite acidic it slowly wears down yer cells, even though we need it to live.
    With a correct mix of anti-oxigens life spans increase. Testings show Worms living twice as long, and rats living 1,5 times their lifespan. It will not only keep you alive longer, but also stop the degredation of the body.
    Or so I heard on Discovery Channel, which I consider a rather reliable source....

    I may have remembered some things wrong though, but is putting it simply.
  8. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    Really? I never even considered that!
    Something to think about.....
    Thanks for posting it,Drugar!
  9. bryant1380

    bryant1380 New Member

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    Nov 7, 2001
    It's called oxidation. Basically, your body parts rust. Oxygen and water cause metal to rust.
  10. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    And we have alot of Iron in our bodies - needed for everything to work and stay strong... Hmm... maybe the body is more like a machine then we originally thought.... :D
  11. Qilikatal

    Qilikatal New Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 22, 2002
    The body is a chemical factory. or so my teahcer say don't ask me.
  12. xento

    xento New Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2002
    Thanks, Ferret. I haven't taken biology class yet so I rely on you to fill my in with this stuff - for that matter, I haven't taken chemistry, either!
  13. Ferret

    Ferret New Member

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    Sep 28, 2001
    Your body cannot 'rust'. Rust is a specific form of Iron Oxide, and cannot be formed inside the body. However, the process is similar and other chemicals can be oxidised.

    Oxygen itself is a metabolic poison. If you breathe pure oxygen for more than a few hours, without any medical reason for needing it, you will suffer oxygen poisoning and die a very painful death.

    It's not the oxygen though that is the problem. Oxidation through oxygen alone occurs in very small amounts. It's from various catalytic chemicals and enzymes that the problem arises. They actively fixate oxygen to the molecules in your body, and stop them from functioning properly. That is why you should have a good intake of various vitamins and fruit, because they contain things like vitamin C, which is a powerful anti-oxidant, and can help prevent the damage from occuring.

    And we only use Iron in our blood to any real extent. Other than that, it too is a metabolic poison, because of it's high affinity for other useful molecules. It essentially binds to them, and stops the processes that rely on them. In actual fact, once you hit the menopause (female AND male), your metabolism slows down and you cannot actually utilise iron properly any more. That's the reason why old people's blood is so thin. It also makes taking vitamin tablets that contains iron a very dangerous thing to do, as the iron stays resident in the body and then poisons you.
  14. Menion Ravenlock

    Menion Ravenlock New Member

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    Oct 30, 2002
    Thank God somone here gots some brains! Ferret nicely put. Very nice...
    Want to talk about god well look at my sig and you can think of what I think of God... well I have my doubts even though I go to a chruch which mormon's think is a cult.

    Proud to be a SDA!
  15. Etalis Craftlord

    Etalis Craftlord New Member

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    Sep 4, 2001
    If that's your view on God, then you're a moron. God doesn't punish people, people punish people. Have you ever seen a giant hand come out of the sky and smite anyone at all? No, but the newspapers and history are full of crimes and wars done in the name of God.

    Besides, anyone who has a religious philosophy that can be summed up in a succinct, witty phrase suitable for a bumper sticker isn't thinking for himself.
  16. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    Alright. That part of this thread is gone! Dead! Bye bye! Now, drop it!
  17. CharlesBHoff

    CharlesBHoff New Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 10, 2001
    I read somewhere that than bibble scholar said the old testment that said
    that people live for 800 years is wrong as the Jew of that time didnot have
    the conpect of year only of mounth so divide the 800 by 12 you get 66.66667 years. Than idear of than year as than unit of time was than fairly new idear so when they untril wrote down the old testment from people memony their confuse mounth's with year's.
    We are meant to live in this world as than test before we pass into the next world. I was read there is than religious that say God will forgive us for any sin we commit if we ask him to before than cut off time just before
    we die. Also they teach that you might have to send some time in hell if you commit some series crime in this world but only than very few might be there forever (or than very long time) before you pass into heaven.
  18. xento

    xento New Member

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    Jun 18, 2002
    But they are wrong! You have to trust Jesus to have your sins forgiven. Sacrifices and paying in part aren't good enough anymore.
  19. Gwindor

    Gwindor New Member

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    Oct 6, 2002
    Hmm... You know, that "Can god make a boulder that's so heavy that he can't lift it" is just stupid...

    And about he being selfish, and not caring about the evil, you don't know shit how forgiving he is... If he would destroy all the evil in the world, then over 6 billion people would be killed...


    Can you honestly said that you have NEVER EVER in your ENTIRE LIFE done anything wrong?

    I mean, if you was him, where would YOU put the limit?

    "Hmm, I think I'll set it at 10 sins" POOF! 6 billion people are still killed...

    "Hmm, maybe at 200" Poof! Everyone is (again) killed.

    "Hmm, then 2000..." A guy with 1999 sins get spared, one with 2001 gets killed...

    You don't know what you are talking about...

    He is even giving Satan and all the other fallen angels a chance to get back to him, that's why he's not destroying Satan... But his last chance would be at the End of Time... When the christians that has prayed for forgiveness for their sins, plus all the people that hasn't done something wrong (0 people, except those aborted babys and some really small children) will be spared...
  20. Luchaire

    Luchaire New Member

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    Jun 27, 2002
    Don't get me started on your dribble. I dropped this topic a while ago, but I'm more than happy to dredge it back up if you insist on spewing nonsense.
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