I'm playing an evil character (everbody in Shrouded Hills, Dernholm, Wheel Clan, Isle of Despair, Stillwater and (almost everybody in) Caladon are dead). When I sacked the Panarii temple in Caladon, I killed Alexander, but he didn't fall down, he just stayed frozen while I stripped the body of useful things. I sacked the rest of the temple and when I was on my way out, Virgil stops and says in a starry eyed voice: "Wait! Do you know who that is? There, standing at the front of the temple! It's Alexander, First Alcolyte of the Panarii temple etc." It's the Good Virgil's speech for when he enters the temple for the first time. Good for a laugh. But then, Going to the graveyard for the first time, Virgil peals off like always to go mope around a grave. His picture disappears like he's no longer a follower, but when I speak to him, he talks like he's still a follower (but rude now) so I don't get a chance to make him rejoin. I tried to tell him to leave the group. He got upset. But when I tried to get him to rejoin, he acted like he was still a member of the group. I asked him to wait, then stop waiting, but he still didn't rejoin the group. Luckily, I had saved before going into the graveyard. Has anybody else had this problem (or has virgil merely failed to survive that far?)
hmmm, that sounds like a pretty decent bug you got my friend, all you can do is go back to an earlier save (which you did, good boy) and hope to christ it doesn't happen again, oh and save often :wink: .
Yes I'm patched. I'm patched with the 1074. It may have something to do with the fact that I had already killed the king so I was attacked as soon as I went into the temple and attacked as soon as I went into the graveyard. Another weird thing, I'm an enemy of Dernholm, Stillwater and Shrouded Hills for wiping everybody out, but I never became the enemy of Wheel Clan, even though they're all dead. What's an Elf gotta do to make an enemy of himself to those dwarves? I guess I was supposed to tell Loghair's son that I killed the King, unfortunately, you guessed it, I had already whacked him.