definitely just beat the isle of despair, and now i gotta get some kathorn krystal to make those stupid fuckin glasses. problem... been everywhere, no more crystal left... i sold it all god damnit. yeah. so, um, how the fuck do i do this shit? kathorn krystal :minigun:
oh yeah I know what you mean goddamn I know! First game I played I reload to the blackmountain mines so I wouldnt sell them...... they are also in other dungeons...... Dunno which however atm, next game I leanred from my mistakes and just kept them....
yeah dude, definitely pissed me the fuck off. had a level 41 mage and was doin fuckin great... and now cuz of a damn piece of rock i cant beat this game. definitely been to as many dungeons as i can find... dragoon pool... ashbury castle... i dunno where else, but maybe thers a place i havent been to yet. any ideas? just list some places...
There is at least one in Ashbury Castle, & one or two at the Ancient Shipwreck on the coast north of Ashbury. Check after dark.
how do i find the coordinates 4 the shipwreck? is it that 670W 517S thing or whatever? i tried to go to that before, but i cant walk there... cant teleport either.
Map walk, following the coastline north. It will take less time than trying to hit the coordinates of 498, 892 on the nose. That is something else & across some mountians to boot.
You do realize that there are a couple of ways to do this: 1. steal from/talk them out of/kill the dwarf to get them. 2. use crystals and buy them from ashbury eye doctor 3. steal the tech schematic from the bedroom dresser drawer by the dwarf and make you own. Without crystals, I would say just kill that damn dwarf and take the buggers from him( be sure to leave magnus outside though). you only lose a couple of alignments points for the deed.
kill kill kill kill kill kill kill or if you must, visit the maze out by dernholm - one of the easier treasure chests has some krystal in it.
You can get Kathorn at the maze. (Ancient Maze, I think) It's in a chest at the end... in the little building. Just be warned, there's lots of stuff to fight to get there.
no way in hell, not after all the time passed by since you sold it. At least, this is what I experienced.